fsprojects / ProjectScaffold

A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects
The Unlicense
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Overview documentation for people lacking a .NET background #294

Open oivvio opened 7 years ago

oivvio commented 7 years ago

So this is more of plead for more docs than an actual issue.

I'm coming to F# from a lifetime of programming but virtually no .NET or Windows experience.

In ProjectScaffold I'd really appreciate an explanation of all the infrastructure basics around a .NET code project.

Here's some stuff I think should be included

What's a project in .NET parlance?

What's a solution in .NET parlance?

After cloning ProjectScaffold I have bunch of files in a folder. After running build.sh I have a bunch more. The docs should go through each of these files and tell me what the purpose of it is. Also I want to know what should get put into source control and what's dynamically regenerated.

Do I need to add every source file to some sort of project config file? Do files need to be ordered in this project file? Are these project files only meant to be edited via tools are do people edit them manually.

How I'm willing to help

If you just point me to the relevant reading material on these topics I can put in the time to read it and try to summarize it to something that can go into your docs to help out other .NET/mono newcomers.

patrickweegen commented 7 years ago

http://bfy.tw/CFfb This will help you!

Serious, the question you asked could not be answered here. Thats basic knowledge about .net.

dsyme commented 7 years ago

@firehirsch I do think the documentation for ProjectScaffold could include some links to the very top material for these topics.

patrickweegen commented 7 years ago

It's not my project, but I don't see any reason for that. If you argue like that every project here on GitHub should include such links.

I think we can expect that people who want to code have learned about the basic concepts and features of the languages and frameworks they want to use. And I also think that ProjectScaffold should not be used by a beginner. First learn how to create all that basic stuff by your self and don't start using things like ProjectScaffold not before you understood what has to happen to create a new project.

pblasucci commented 7 years ago


And I also think that ProjectScaffold should not be used by a beginner.

I can't tell you how much that makes me chuckle. ProjectScaffold started life as a learning tool... for beginners.


Admittedly, the community has moved it in a different direction. But that's part of what's great about FOSS, right? Ultimately, I agree with @dsyme. One or two very high-level links out to introductory content would make a good addition to the README.