fsprojects / SQLProvider

A general F# SQL database erasing type provider, supporting LINQ queries, schema exploration, individuals, CRUD operations and much more besides.
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TypeProvider not working with dotnet core 3.0 #645

Open tforkmann opened 5 years ago

tforkmann commented 5 years ago


I'm trying to use the typeprovider with netcoreapp3.0 (3.0.100). But it is not working for me. I alread tried to reference System.Data.SqlClient. Ionide is failing as well.

Repro steps

  1. Set up Dotnet core app 3.0

  2. Add SqlProvider

  3. Try to get datacontext

open FSharp.Data.Sql
open System
open Config

/// Query DME
let [<Literal>]  CompileTimeConnectionString = "myconnectionString"

type SqlDme = SqlDataProvider<Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.MSSQLSERVER, ConnectionString=CompileTimeConnectionString, UseOptionTypes=true> //, ContextSchemaPath = ContextSchemaPath>

Expected behavior

TypeProvider should just work

Actual behavior

I get following error message when building the project: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SqlClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. [C:\Users\tforkmann\Documents\1_Tests\PreveroFeed\src\Server\Server.fsproj] image

Known workarounds

  1. Add FSharp.Compiler.Tools
  2. Add to fsproj file <DotnetFscCompilerPath></DotnetFscCompilerPath>

Related information

forki commented 5 years ago

Id there a general strategy for type providers in dotnet sdk 3.x? Since we don't get any new fsharp.compiler.tools packages anymore - what's the replacement?

/cc @dsyme @cartermp

Bjorn-Strom commented 5 years ago

Having this same problem on mac.

cartermp commented 5 years ago

@forki There is no replacement, as that was never a supported scenario in the first place. I'd encourage never installing that package.

forki commented 5 years ago

Reality is that this was the only way to get things working. But it's not really important anymore. The question is how can we proceed?

cartermp commented 5 years ago

Realistically there's probably a bug in either the type provider, the provider sdk, or F# compiler that needs to be resolved. Using an unsupported package containing a very old .NET Framework-only version of the F# compiler isn't a scenario you should be considering here.

Thorium commented 5 years ago

I'm happy to approve PRs (and release new packages). But I know nothing about .NET Core 3.0, I still use .NET Framework. For example I have no clue do you still need to set DotnetFscCompilerPath or not, to resolve the duplicate fsc problem.

This type provider loads DB drivers via reflection (to not depend every DB), which is a challenge in Core as the dependencies are broken down to many dlls that are loaded from unknown cache location.

Here is an example typeprovider from the TypeProvider SDK, referring NETStandard.Library.NETFramework, I guess it's outdated as well. However if you don't do that, loading different versions of .NET strandard.dll will cause a loop in reflection.

tforkmann commented 5 years ago

Today I worked a bit on the problem.

I created a fork of the sqlprovider and only focused on the netcore version. I got the compile compiling on NetCore 3.0. The only thing missing is that the SqlClient needs to be present before compile time. With the Compiler Tools I didn’t need to add anything. I don’t understand what the compiler tools is doing differently to make the Client available before compile time

mcspud commented 5 years ago

For example I have no clue do you still need to set DotnetFscCompilerPath or not, to resolve the duplicate fsc problem.


@tforkkmann FWIW I can get this to run seamlessly on Ubuntu 16.04 and OSX using .net core 3.0.100, npgsql and postgres 11 and VS Code as long as I set the resolution paths up from the "unknown cache directory".

I am having lots of issues with SaveContextSchema() though, but I've referenced that elsewhere.

tforkmann commented 5 years ago

@mcspud Which directory are you adding as a resolution folder? The Package folder?

mcspud commented 5 years ago

Hey @tforkmann - yep. I'm using the osx package location,

let [<Literal>] ConnectionString =
    "Server=localhost;" +
    "Database=jabronis;" +
    "User Id=localdev;" +

let [<Literal>] DatabaseVendor = Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.POSTGRESQL
let [<Literal>] CaseSensitivityChange = Common.CaseSensitivityChange.ORIGINAL
let [<Literal>] ContextSchemaPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/.postgres.schema.json"
let [<Literal>] ResolutionPath = @"~/.nuget/packages/Npgsql/4.1.1/lib/netcore3.0"

type Sql =

And from my .fsproj:

    <PackageReference Include="Npgsql" Version="4.1.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="SQLProvider" Version="1.1.68" />

That .nuget path is the default location for .net core packages on mac.

This all works nicely, but on VSCode intellisense can be pretty flakey often times requiring me to restart it to get it kick back in. It doesn't work at all on Rider for the generative type provider. I also can't successfully export the schema so I can't actually build the project in a docker image on a CI/CD environment lol :)

jl0pd commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone. I'm new to F# and learning it.

I've solved problem by adding System.Data.SqlClient to project:

<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.8.0" />

but got this: Screenshot from 2019-12-07 14-28-45

The most strange thing - I can create an instance of IAsyncDisposable:

let a = { new IAsyncDisposable with
    member __.DisposeAsync() = ValueTask()}

How to make it work?


Thorium commented 4 years ago


I just updated the package to contain System.Data.SqlClient of package 4.8.0 Hopefully helps.

@jl0pd just a guess, sounds like your compile-time version of System.Runtime.dll doesn't match the execution time version of System.Runtime.dll

tforkmann commented 4 years ago


i tried with the new SqlProvider version.

Somehow it still asks for the System.Data.SqlClient version 4.6.1 image

Can you maybe update the 4.6.1 version as well?

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

I also saw that the System.Data.SqlClient doesn't has a net core 3.1 version. image

We probably need to migrate to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-the-new-microsoftdatasqlclient/

Thorium commented 4 years ago

System.Data.SqlClient are one of the few which are currently not loaded via reflection...

Thorium commented 4 years ago

I think it's version 4.6.1? Or 4.8? Is there a problem? Do you do binding redirects?

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

I have 4.8 in my paket.lock. Is binding redirects required?

Thorium commented 4 years ago

I think I updated it to 4.8, but I may have missed something.


tforkmann commented 4 years ago

Hmm, ok. Updated to 1.1.82. Still the same errror. Why are you using the FSharp.Compiler.Tools now? Is it still required?

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

Ok, it's compiling and running but ionide shows that error. Maybe it is just an Ionide issue?!

Thorium commented 4 years ago

I was planing to use FSharp.Compiler.Tools because people have here lot of compilation issues and some of them come by using wrong fsc.exe, so I thought maybe the compiler tools would provide a consistent version. However it's not used right now.

cartermp commented 4 years ago

I would highly recommend not using FCT. Chiefest of issues being that there will forever be a delta between what you compile with and what your IDE things you're doing.

njeisecke commented 4 years ago

I'm trying this on macOS. After getting rid of Mono and Visual Studio Mac, with only pure .net code 3.1 SDK installed it started to work.

Visual Studio Code:

So it looks like the F# compiler (4.5, outdated anyway) from Mono does not work and mixing mono build environment with .net code runtime environment is a bad idea. All the obviously outdated documentation ("how to get startet with f#") from Microsoft is really irritating.

Hope this helps.

Thorium commented 4 years ago

@njeisecke, I'm confused... I thought type providers still need Mono to compile. Has this changed with .NET Core 3.1?

njeisecke commented 4 years ago

Seems to work. I removed all of the mono stuff and use the "dotnet" command for everything. It builds and runs.

cartermp commented 4 years ago

Type Providers have not needed mono to compile for quite a long time. There's no reason to require .NET Framework of any flavor unless you specifically require an API that has no alternative on .NET Standard.

Thorium commented 4 years ago

Type Providers have not needed mono to compile for quite a long time.

Wow, cool. :-D All these undocumented features that I'm not aware of.

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

@njeisecke Could you maybe create a project example? And share it with us? I'm still not able to get SqlClient to work.

gibranrosa commented 4 years ago


i tried with the new SqlProvider version.

Somehow it still asks for the System.Data.SqlClient version 4.6.1 image

Can you maybe update the 4.6.1 version as well?

Hi I am getting this error with Ionide too, on Windows 10, dotnet 3.1. It compiles but Ionide shows the error.

tforkmann commented 4 years ago


njeisecke commented 4 years ago


Only .net 3.1 core SDK (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1) was installed.

Thorium commented 4 years ago

ok, the Ionide error comes from the old dept.json file...what does generate that...

Thorium commented 4 years ago

System.Data.SqlClient package 4.8.0 does have a file System.Data.SqlClient.dll version So that should be correct. Can that be some caching issue of Ionide? Would dotnet.exe restore -f help?

tforkmann commented 4 years ago


I tried it with dotnet.exe restore -f sadly no success. Could we try to use Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead?

Thorium commented 4 years ago

@tforkmann , Probably, although it supports only .NET Framework 4.6 when the current SQLProvider works with very old .NET Frameworks as well. Do you want to try a PR?

On the other hand, I think there is no point of creating the SQLProvider load *.Data.SQLClient -library via reflection (like current MySql. Postgres, Oracle, etc. does), because the whole reflection have had so many issues of dependencies libraries of the database drivers. (.NET Core references are like nodemodules)

So rather we could have separate NuGet packages, for example: System.Data.SQLProvider.MSSQL (current System.Data) System.Data.SQLProvider.MicrosoftSQL (New) System.Data.SQLProvider.Postgres System.Data.SQLProvider.MySQL System.Data.SQLProvider.SQLite System.Data.SQLProvider.Oracle System.Data.SQLProvider.Odbc System.Data.SQLProvider.MsAccess ...

But I struggle to figure out what should be the most easiest way to create these deployment packages:

And changing the years-old packaging-script (and build-script) will probably cause new issues. However, it seems that most people struggle with the current build script anyway.

What do you think?

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

I personally think we should start from scratch with the official typeprovider template:

dotnet new -i FSharp.TypeProviders.Templates
dotnet new typeprovider -n LemonadeProvider -lang F#

and then only focus on one database provider at first and get it running on dotnet core 3.1. without FCT.

Thorium commented 4 years ago

Should that be build on which .NET Standard frameworks?

Also I'm not sure if the LemonadeProvider is up-to-date starting-point, as it .NET Standard 2.0 package NETStandard.Library.NETFramework : "This package is deprecated." ?


tforkmann commented 4 years ago

@isaacabraham What do you think is a good starting point?

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

Hi guys,

I spent some time and created a fork of the typeprovider targeting netcoreapp3.1 only and using the new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient. The typeprovider builds ok, but the tests are not working yet.

I get following error message:

Could not load file or assembly 'C:\Users\tforkmann\Documents\1_Tests\SqlClientTypeProvider\src\SqlClientTypeProvider.Runtime\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\SqlClientTypeProvider.DesignTime.dll'. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. [C:\Users\tforkmann\Documents\1_Tests\SqlClientTypeProvider\tests\SqlClientTypeProvider.Tests\SqlClientTypeProvider.Tests.fsproj]

Maybe someone has an idea how to fix this.

Here is the link to the respository: https://github.com/tforkmann/SqlClientTypeProvider

aggieben commented 4 years ago

I ran into this problem tonight as well, and I seem to have struggled my way out of it, but I don't really know why.

First: dotnet build was failing, and FSAC in Ionide was also failing. It was set to use netcore. Then I tried building with MSBuild instead of dotnet build, and the build worked.
Finally I tried setting the FSAC setting in Ionide to net instead of netcore, and that seems to be working now, too.

I also removed the PreBuild target I had set up in my .fsproj, and the above still holds true.

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

Holly cow! Just switching to FSAC setting in Ionide to 'net' actually works!

No error message anymore! image

isaacabraham commented 4 years ago

The days of the net FSAC are numbered. This is the same issue that the SQL Client type provider has - it works with msbuild but not with dotnet.

tforkmann commented 4 years ago

Ok! What could we do?

estensen commented 4 years ago

Is there a workaround for SQL Server?

This seems to be the original problem

jkone27 commented 4 years ago

Hello for SQL Server, a simple workaround is just to add in the .csproj the package reference for System.Data.SqlClient (or via nuget manager). This way I got it "working" in netcoreapp31 (also tested in netcoreapp30 works)

    <PackageReference Include="SQLProvider" Version="1.1.84" />
    <PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.8.1" />

on windows OS

Ecofred commented 4 years ago

@estensen dotnet/fsharp#6326 may help you

I struggled for quite a while, to make SqlProvider work on Ubuntu/VSCode/netcore3.1 and in the end, the FSAC to net , mono fsharpc and

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <!-- Here starts the trick -->

    <Compile Include="Program.fs" />

    <PackageReference Include="SQLProvider" Version="1.1.84" />
    <PackageReference Include="System.Data.SqlClient" Version="4.8.1" />


did the work.

This workaround is also working with FSharp.Data.SqlClient by the way (because I needed to query sys schema table, and I still can't get it with SQLProvider)

granicz commented 4 years ago

@jkone27 I tried what you suggested but it didn't work for me. I have a netcore3.1 websharper-web app, where I added SQLProvider, then a reference to System.Data.SqlClient manually as you suggested. This all typechecks just fine in VS2019 but fails to compile (I understand that there is a"discrepancy issue" between msbuild and dotnet build - but this makes me not any happier), getting the same as without the manual reference:

typecheck error FS3033: The type provider 'FSharp.Data.Sql.SqlTypeProvider' reported an error: Could not load type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection' from assembly 'System.Data.SqlClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
Thorium commented 4 years ago

@cartermp promised to look at this a bit, meanwhile I'll happily stay in the .NET Framework, I can provide a little help on explaining some things:

Thorium commented 4 years ago

I created new project files to net-standard branch. This is done:

Note, this is initial commit, not yet "I'll just move to this". This is not done:

cartermp commented 4 years ago

@Thorium have you been able to get the scrip tests to work? I ran into this with the Azure Storage TP - got the provider factored correctly and it works fine on .NET Core and .NET Framework when I include it manually. But the test infrastructure relies on some F# scripts that won't work without .NET 5 and some of the recent bug fixes in F# script dependency management. Unfortunately, it seems that the Azure Storage TP repo may need to wait until .NET 5 to fully update. Looking at this repo it may be the same.