Closed theothornhill closed 3 years ago
Hello Theodor, thank you for reporting this issue.
The extra space seems to lead to a function call. Consider the following example:
let x =
{ actual = 6
y = x }
let y =
{ actual = 6
y = x }
matching AST
("tmp.fsx", true, QualifiedNameOfFile Tmp$fsx, [], [],
([Tmp], false, AnonModule,
(None, NormalBinding, false, false, [],
PreXmlDoc ((1,4), FSharp.Compiler.XmlDoc+XmlDocCollector),
(None, SynValInfo ([], SynArgInfo ([], false, None)), None),
(Wild tmp.fsx (1,4--1,5) IsSynthetic=false, x, false, None,
tmp.fsx (1,4--1,5) IsSynthetic=false), None,
(None, None,
[((LongIdentWithDots ([actual], []), true),
(NonAtomic, false,
(NonAtomic, true, Ident op_Equality,
(NonAtomic, false,
(Int32 6,
tmp.fsx (2,17--2,18) IsSynthetic=false),
Ident y,
tmp.fsx (2,17--3,10) IsSynthetic=false),
tmp.fsx (2,17--3,12) IsSynthetic=false), Ident x,
tmp.fsx (2,17--3,14) IsSynthetic=false)), None)],
tmp.fsx (2,6--3,16) IsSynthetic=false),
tmp.fsx (1,4--1,5) IsSynthetic=false,
DebugPointAtBinding tmp.fsx (1,0--3,16) IsSynthetic=false)],
tmp.fsx (1,0--3,16) IsSynthetic=false);
(None, NormalBinding, false, false, [],
PreXmlDoc ((5,4), FSharp.Compiler.XmlDoc+XmlDocCollector),
(None, SynValInfo ([], SynArgInfo ([], false, None)), None),
(Wild tmp.fsx (5,4--5,5) IsSynthetic=false, y, false, None,
tmp.fsx (5,4--5,5) IsSynthetic=false), None,
(None, None,
[((LongIdentWithDots ([actual], []), true),
(Int32 6, tmp.fsx (6,17--6,18) IsSynthetic=false)),
Some (tmp.fsx (6,19--7,8) IsSynthetic=false, None));
((LongIdentWithDots ([y], []), true), Some (Ident x), None)],
tmp.fsx (6,6--7,15) IsSynthetic=false),
tmp.fsx (5,4--5,5) IsSynthetic=false,
DebugPointAtBinding tmp.fsx (5,0--7,15) IsSynthetic=false)],
tmp.fsx (5,0--7,15) IsSynthetic=false)], PreXmlDocEmpty, [], None,
tmp.fsx (1,0--7,15) IsSynthetic=false)], (true, true)))
actual = 6
y = x // with space
appears to be a function call and there Fantomas is trying to figure out if it needs a space or not. An extra pattern match clause in
before UppercaseSynExpr
could solve the problem I think.
Please note that original extra space might end up to something different then you indented.
Are you interested in submitting a PR?
Thanks for the info. I'll give it a go :)
Do you have an idea of where to put the tests?
In addition, it is getting close, however it is missing one part:
Error Message:
Expected string length 62 but was 61. Strings differ at index 21.
Expected: "\nlet x = { actual = 6; y = x }\n\nlet y = { actual = 6; y = x }\n"
But was: "\nlet x = { actual = 6 y = x }\n\nlet y = { actual = 6; y = x }\n"
Stack Trace:
at FsUnit.TopLevelOperators.should[a,a](FSharpFunc`2 f, a x, Object y) in c:\Users\104170thth\Git\fantomas\src\Fantomas.Tests\FsUnit.fs:line 33
at Fantomas.Tests.ListTests.testodor() in c:\Users\104170thth\Git\fantomas\src\Fantomas.Tests\ListTests.fs:line 2227
How do I add that semi?
let rec addSpaceBeforeParensInFunCall functionOrMethod arg (ctx: Context) =
match functionOrMethod, arg with
| SynExpr.TypeApp (e, _, _, _, _, _, _), _ -> addSpaceBeforeParensInFunCall e arg ctx
| SynExpr.Paren _, _ -> true
| SynExpr.Const _, _ -> true
| UppercaseSynExpr, ConstExpr (Const "()", _) -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeUppercaseInvocation
| LowercaseSynExpr, ConstExpr (Const "()", _) -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeLowercaseInvocation
| SynExpr.Ident _, SynExpr.Ident _ -> true
| UppercaseSynExpr, Paren _ -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeUppercaseInvocation
| LowercaseSynExpr, Paren _ -> ctx.Config.SpaceBeforeLowercaseInvocation
| _ -> true
Thank you for your contribution!
Issue created from fantomas-online
Hi there, and thanks for
Problem description
Fantomas throws an exception with an error message that looks unrelated to me. I would expect
to remove the extra space. I get a similar exception withExtra information
Fantomas Master at 02/25/2021 08:33:56 - 9bc785c38d316c5e5b1bbdaeae04ed05b5ee8088
Default Fantomas configuration
Did you know that you can ignore files when formatting from fantomas-tool or the FAKE targets by using a .fantomasignore file?