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Hovering Members does not produce a popup unless the last character is hovered over #108

Closed faldor20 closed 2 years ago

faldor20 commented 2 years ago
type TestType(state:int)=
    let mutable state=state
    ///Adds 1
    member this.add1()= state<- state+1; this
    ///Adds 5
    member this.add5()= state<- state+5; this

let test= TestType(4)
let test2=test.add1().add5()

In this example to get a popup for add1 inside TestType you will have to hover over the letter1. This also effects chained functions, but not the first function call interestingly. For example, in the test.add1().add5() line hovering over any part of add1 produces the popup whereas only the 5 in add5 does.

faldor20 commented 2 years ago

Fixed with #109