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Display the current mensa menu? #2

Closed kiliankoe closed 9 years ago

kiliankoe commented 10 years ago


JustusAdam commented 10 years ago

Do we have the required space?

kiliankoe commented 10 years ago

Have it scroll through periodically like a news item?

JustusAdam commented 10 years ago

Well, let's try it, should it suck we'll just take it out again.

dirkonet commented 10 years ago

We'd need our own webservice separate from DokuWiki first.

dirkonet commented 10 years ago

Who wants to write a parser for http://www.studentenwerk-dresden.de/feeds/speiseplan.rss? Or we could let Yahoo APIs parse it as https://github.com/jupp0r/hungry does.

dirkonet commented 10 years ago

Querying the mensa rss now works. Currently, it outputs an unordered list of ALL the meals for a specific mensa including the price. That's 8-12 items per mensa.

Next thing we need is a nice presentation. Volunteers?

dirkonet commented 10 years ago

The code in branch mensaplan now displays Alte Mensa's meals instead of the Postillon newsticker.