fssnippets / fssnip-website

Source code for the F# Snippets web site
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Site does not accept the following snipset (error: Multiple references to 'FSharp.Core.dll' are not permitted) #92

Open psiLearn opened 5 years ago

psiLearn commented 5 years ago

With nuget reference: FSharp.Plotly

open FSharp.Plotly

let rec transpose matrix : ('a [] [] )= 
  match matrix |> Array.toList with   // matrix is a list<list<int>>
  | row::rows ->      // case when the list of rows is non-empty
    match row |> Array.toList with    // rows is a list<int>
    | col::cols ->    // case when the row is non-empty
      // Take first elements from all rows of the matrix
      let first = Array.map Array.head matrix
      // Take remaining elements from all rows of the matrix
      // and then transpose the resulting matrix
      let rest = transpose (Array.map Array.tail matrix) |> Array.toList
      first :: rest
      |> List.toArray
    | _ -> [||]
  | _ -> [||] 

// Plot the data
let scatterPlotBox (title:string, inputs:float [] [],labels : string [] option, groupOpt : 'a [] option ) = 
    if inputs.Length = 0 then
        // group data by group id
        let pointsArray = 
            match groupOpt with 
            | None ->
            | Some groupID ->
                    ||> Array.zip
                    |> Array.groupBy snd
                    |> Array.map (fun (_,grps) ->
                        grps |> Array.map (fun gr -> gr |> fst) |> transpose

        let tranInput = transpose inputs
        let plotSubplot (pa:float [][]) ix iy = 
            let x = pa.[ix]
            let y = pa.[iy]
            Chart.Scatter (x,y,StyleParam.Mode.Markers) 
        let n = inputs.[0].Length  

        let idPlot i= 
            match groupOpt with 
            | None ->
                Chart.Violin ((tranInput).[i],Points=StyleParam.Jitterpoints.All)
                //Chart.BoxPlot((transpose inputs).[i],Jitter=0.1,Boxpoints=StyleParam.Boxpoints.All)
            | Some outputs ->
                Chart.Violin (outputs |> Array.map (string),(tranInput).[i],Points=StyleParam.Jitterpoints.All)
                //Chart.BoxPlot(outputs |> Array.map (string),(transpose inputs).[i],Jitter=0.1,Boxpoints=StyleParam.Boxpoints.All)
        // create subplots
        [   for i=0 to n-1 do 
                for j=0 to n-1 do 
                    let addYLable = 
                        if j = 0 && Option.isSome labels && labels.Value.Length > i then
                    let addXLable = 
                        if i = n-1 && Option.isSome labels && labels.Value.Length > j then
                    let pl = 
                        if i <> j then 
                            [ for pa in pointsArray do
                                        yield plotSubplot pa j i
                            ]   |> Chart.Combine                    
                            idPlot i
                    yield pl                    
                            |> addYLable
                            |> addXLable                
        |> Chart.Stack(Columns=n,Space=0.05)
        |> Chart.withTitle(title)
        |> Chart.withLegend(false)