fsspec / sshfs

sshfs - SSH/SFTP implementation for fsspec
Apache License 2.0
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Add paramiko vs sshfs vs scp vs rclone comparisons for raw data transfer to the Readme #2

Open isidentical opened 3 years ago

mxmlnkn commented 1 month ago

The ReadMe mentions this implementation to be faster than paramiko. It would be nice to see proof of that.

This is may be related.

shcheklein commented 4 weeks ago

Comparison by @mxmlnkn:

import time
import fsspec.implementations.sftp
fs = fsspec.implementations.sftp.SFTPFileSystem("")
for i in range(5):
    t0=time.time(); size=len(fs.open('silesia.tar.gz').read()); t1=time.time()
    print(f"Read {size} in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1-t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s")
# Read 68238807 in 16.93 s -> 4.03 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 16.74 s -> 4.08 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 16.74 s -> 4.08 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 16.75 s -> 4.07 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 16.70 s -> 4.09 MB/s

import sshfs
fs = sshfs.SSHFileSystem("")
for i in range(5):
    t0=time.time(); size=len(fs.open('silesia.tar.gz').read()); t1=time.time()
    print(f"Read {size} in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1-t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s")
# Read 68238807 in 2.06 s -> 33.18 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 2.07 s -> 32.99 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 2.04 s -> 33.43 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 2.01 s -> 33.93 MB/s
# Read 68238807 in 2.04 s -> 33.48 MB/s
mxmlnkn commented 3 weeks ago

I have expanded on the initial benchmarks to also include some "random" reading in chunks of different size, including the edge case of sequential reading, i.e., a single chunk / read of size "-1". The measurements are surprisingly stable, even when comparing with the results from 2 days ago reposted above.

benchmark-sshfs.py ```python3 import random import pickle import time import fsspec.implementations.sftp import sshfs hostname = "" port = 22 file_path = 'silesia.tar.gz' fsspec_fs = fsspec.implementations.sftp.SFTPFileSystem(hostname, port=port) sshfs_fs = sshfs.SSHFileSystem(hostname, port=port) file_size = len(sshfs_fs.open(file_path).read()) print(f"Test file size: {file_size} B") # Benchmark random access with different granularity including the extreme case # of rading a single chunk, i.e., sequential reading. times = {} for i in range(10): for chunk_size_in_KiB in [-1, 128 * 1024, 32 * 1024, 1024, 128, 32, 4]: chunk_size = chunk_size_in_KiB * 1024 if chunk_size_in_KiB > 0 else -1 chunk_indices = list(range((file_size + chunk_size - 1) // chunk_size)) if chunk_size > 0 else [0] print( f"Try to read {len(chunk_indices)} chunk{'s' if len(chunk_indices) > 1 else ''} " f"each sized {chunk_size_in_KiB} KiB" ) random.shuffle(chunk_indices) for open_file_name in ['fsspec_fs', 'sshfs_fs']: if open_file_name not in globals(): continue file = globals()[open_file_name].open(file_path) t0=time.time() size = 0 for i in chunk_indices: file.seek(i * chunk_size) size += len(file.read(chunk_size)) assert size == file_size t1=time.time() if open_file_name not in times: times[open_file_name] = {} backend_times = times[open_file_name] if chunk_size not in backend_times: backend_times[chunk_size] = [] backend_times[chunk_size].append(t1 - t0) print( f"Read {size / 1e6:.2f} MB in {chunk_size_in_KiB} KiB chunks with {open_file_name} " f"in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1-t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s" ) with open("benchmark-sshfs.times.pickle", 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(times, file) print() ```
plot-benchmark-sshfs.py ```python3 import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt file_size = 68238807 / 1e6 labels = { 'fsspec_fs': 'fsspec.implementations.sftp.SFTPFileSystem', 'sshfs_fs': 'fsspec/sshfs.SSHFileSystem', } def format_bytes(size): if size < 0: return str(size) # Format assuming that the value is an integer of KiB or MiB if size < 1024: return f"{size} B" size = size // 1024 if size < 1024: return f"{size} KiB" size = size // 1024 return f"{size} MiB" with open("benchmark-sshfs.times.pickle", 'rb') as file: data = pickle.load(file) def compute_statistics(t): return np.mean(t), np.std(t, ddof=1) def compute_bandwidths(t): return { chunk_size: compute_statistics(file_size / np.array(times)) for chunk_size, times in t.items() } results = { label: compute_bandwidths(times_per_chunk_size) for label, times_per_chunk_size in data.items() } chunk_sizes = [np.sort(list(times_per_chunk_size.keys())) for label, times_per_chunk_size in data.items()] assert all(np.all(chunk_sizes[0] == sizes) for sizes in chunk_sizes) chunk_sizes = chunk_sizes[0] chunk_sizes = np.concatenate([chunk_sizes[chunk_sizes >= 0], chunk_sizes[chunk_sizes < 0]]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlabel = "Chunk Size", ylabel = "Bandwidth / (MB/s)", ylim=[0, 40]) width = 0.3 i_bar = 0 bar_positions = np.arange(len(chunk_sizes)) for label, stats_per_chunk_size in results.items(): times_mean = [stats_per_chunk_size[size][0] for size in chunk_sizes] times_std = [stats_per_chunk_size[size][1] for size in chunk_sizes] ax.bar( bar_positions - width / 2 + i_bar * width, times_mean, yerr=times_std, width=width, label=labels[label], capsize=2 ) i_bar += 1 ax.set_xticks(bar_positions) ax.set_xticklabels([format_bytes(size) for size in chunk_sizes]) ax.legend(loc='upper left') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("plot-benchmark-ssfs.png") fig.savefig("plot-benchmark-ssfs.pdf") plt.show() ```


The degrading performance for larger chunk sizes is probably because the read call for the chunk at the end of the file reads a bit over the file end (66 MB file), which triggers https://github.com/ronf/asyncssh/issues/691 .

mxmlnkn commented 3 weeks ago

I also did an extended comparison with other programs according to the issue title.

benchmark-sshfs-full-read-comparison.py ```python3 #! /usr/bin/env python3 # sudo apt install lftp rclone rsync ssh # rclone config # n (new remote), localssh, 27 (sftp),, key_file> ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 # leave blank for current user name, port, confirm the rest fo default choices until we can quit... # cat ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf # [localssh] # type = sftp # host = # port = 22 # key_file = ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 # md5sum_command = md5sum # sha1sum_command = sha1sum import io import os import subprocess import sys import time import fsspec import fsspec.implementations.sftp import paramiko import sshfs hostname = "" port = 22 test_file = '20xsilesia.tar.gz' #test_file = 'silesia.tar.gz' src_path = '/dev/shm/sftp_shared/' + test_file client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.connect(hostname, port=port) sftp = client.open_sftp() sshfs_fs = sshfs.SSHFileSystem(hostname, port=port) fsspec_fs = fsspec.implementations.sftp.SFTPFileSystem(hostname, port=port) def download(label, command, folder, csv_file): old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(folder) if os.path.isfile(test_file): os.remove(test_file) t0=time.time() subprocess.run(command) t1=time.time() size = os.stat(test_file).st_size if os.path.isfile(test_file): os.remove(test_file) os.chdir(old_cwd) csv_file.write(','.join([command[0], folder, str(size), str(t1 - t0)]).encode() + b'\n') csv_file.flush() print(f"[{label}] Read {size} in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1 - t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s") local_folder = '.' memory_folder = '/dev/shm/sftp_downloads' with open("full-read-timings.csv", 'wb') as csv_file: csv_file.write(b"# tool, target folder, size/B, time/s\n") for i in range(15): rclone_command = ['rclone', 'copy', f'localssh:{src_path}', '.'] lftpget_command = ['lftpget', f"sftp://{hostname}:{port}{src_path}"] scp_command = ['scp', '-q', '-P', str(port), f'scp://{hostname}/{src_path}', '.'] sftp_command = ['sftp', '-q', '-P', str(port), f'{hostname}:{src_path}', '.'] rsync_command = ['rsync', '-e', f'ssh -p {port}', f'{hostname}:{src_path}', '.'] download("rclone to memory", rclone_command, memory_folder, csv_file) download("lftpget to memory", lftpget_command, memory_folder, csv_file) download("scp to memory", scp_command, memory_folder, csv_file) download("sftp to memory", sftp_command, memory_folder, csv_file) download("rsync to memory", rsync_command, memory_folder, csv_file) download("rclone to SSD", rclone_command, local_folder, csv_file) download("lftpget to SSD", lftpget_command, local_folder, csv_file) download("scp to SSD", scp_command, local_folder, csv_file) download("sftp to SSD", sftp_command, local_folder, csv_file) download("rsync to SSD", rsync_command, local_folder, csv_file) t0=time.time(); size = sftp.getfo(src_path, io.BytesIO()); t1=time.time() csv_file.write(','.join(["Paramiko getfo", ":memory:", str(size), str(t1 - t0)]).encode() + b'\n') print(f"[Paramiko getfo] Read {size} in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1-t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s") t0=time.time(); size=len(sshfs_fs.open(src_path).read()); t1=time.time() csv_file.write(','.join(["fsspec/sshfs", ":memory:", str(size), str(t1 - t0)]).encode() + b'\n') print(f"[fsspec/sshfs] Read {size} in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1-t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s") # Too slow! We need to use a smaller file for this one. t0=time.time(); size=len(fsspec_fs.open('/dev/shm/sftp_shared/silesia.tar.gz').read()); t1=time.time() csv_file.write( ','.join(["fsspec.sftp", ":memory:", str(size), str(t1 - t0)]).encode() + b'\n' ) print(f"[fsspec.sftp] Read {size} in {t1-t0:.2f} s -> {size/(t1-t0)/1e6:.2f} MB/s") print() ```
plot-sshfs-full-read-comparison.py ```python3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_magnitude(x): """ Returns: x in [0.1, 1 ) -> -1 x in [1 , 10 ) -> 0 x in [10 , 100) -> +1 """ return int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(x)))) def test_uncertain_value_to_str(): tests = { -1: [0.1, 0.2, 0.9], 0: [1, 2, 9], 1: [10, 20, 99], } for magnitude, values in tests.items(): for value in values: result = get_magnitude(value) if result != magnitude: print(f"Test failed for {value}! Magnitude is {result} but should be {magnitude}") test_uncertain_value_to_str() def get_first_digit(x): mag = get_magnitude(x) return int(x / 10**mag) def existing_digits(s): """ Counts the number of significant digits. Examples: Returns: 0.00013 -> 2 1.3013 -> 5 0.13 -> 2 1000.3 -> 5 1.20e-5 -> 3 """ s = str(s).split('e')[0].lstrip('+-0.') nDigits = 0 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] in '0123456789': nDigits += 1 return nDigits def round_to_significant(x, n): mag = get_magnitude(x) # numpy.around can also round to 10 or 100, ... by specifying negative values for the second argument return np.around(x, -mag + n - 1) def round_stddev(sx): # Format exponent and error https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4483789/ # I can't find that particular standard right now, but I thought some standard specified # two significant digits for the first digit being < 3 and else one significant digits on the errors. # And of course the mean should have as much precision as the error has n_digits_err = 2 if get_first_digit(sx) in [1, 2] else 1 mag_sx = get_magnitude(sx) sx_rounded = round_to_significant(sx, n_digits_err) if mag_sx + 1 >= n_digits_err: sx_short = str(int(sx_rounded)) else: sx_short = str(sx_rounded) sx_short += '0' * max(0, n_digits_err - existing_digits(sx_short)) return n_digits_err, mag_sx, sx_short def test_round_stddev(): tests = [ (3.111, "3"), (31.11, "30"), (0.1234, "0.12"), (0.1434, "0.14"), (0.19, "0.19"), (0.3111, "0.3"), (1.234, "1.2"), (1.434, "1.4"), (1.9, "1.9"), (3.111, "3"), (12.34, "12"), (14.34, "14"), (19.0, "19"), (19, "19"), (31.11, "30"), ] for value, expected in tests: result = round_stddev(value)[2] if result != expected: print(f"Test failed for {value}! Got rounded to {result} but should be {expected}") test_round_stddev() def uncertain_value_to_str(x, sx): n_digits_err, mag_sx, sx_short = round_stddev(sx) # pad with 0s if necessary, showing the rounding, i.e., change "2.093 +- 0.02" (s = 0.0203...) to "2.093 +- 0.020" x_rounded = np.around(x, -mag_sx + n_digits_err - 1) if mag_sx + 1 >= n_digits_err: x_short = str(int(x_rounded)) else: x_short = str(x_rounded) x_short += '0' * max(0, n_digits_err - existing_digits(x_short)) return x_short, sx_short def test_uncertain_value_to_str(): tests = [ [0.9183782255, 0.00081245, "0.9184", "0.0008"], [12.5435892, 1.0234, "12.5", "1.0"], [12.0123, 1.0234, "12.0", "1.0"], [141, 15, "141", "15"], [1.25435892, 0.10234, "1.25", "0.10"], [19235198, 310, "19235200", "300"], [52349e-15, 4.25315e-12, "5.2e-11", "4e-12"], [138.1, 13, "138", "13"], ] for test in tests: sm, ss = uncertain_value_to_str(test[0], test[1]) if sm != test[2] or ss != test[3]: print(f"Test failed! m={test[0]}, s={test[1]} => {sm} +- {ss} but should be {test[2]} +- {test[3]}") assert False test_uncertain_value_to_str() data = {} with open("full-read-timings-2024-09-25.csv", 'rt') as file: for line in file: if line.startswith('#'): continue parts = line.strip().split(',') if parts[1] == ".": # Ignore SSD benchmarks continue assert len(parts) == 4 if parts[0] not in data: data[parts[0]] = [] data[parts[0]].append(float(parts[2]) / float(parts[3]) / 1e6) def compute_statistics(t): return np.mean(t), np.std(t, ddof=1) results = {label: compute_statistics(np.array(bandwidths)) for label, bandwidths in data.items()} bar_labels = sorted(list(results.keys()), key=lambda x: results[x][0]) bar_positions = np.arange(len(bar_labels)) bar_values = [results[x][0] for x in bar_labels] bar_errors = [results[x][1] for x in bar_labels] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, xlabel="Read Bandwidth / (MB/s)") ax.barh(bar_positions, bar_values, xerr=bar_errors, capsize=3) ax.set_yticks(bar_positions) ax.set_yticklabels(bar_labels) for position, value, stddev in zip(bar_positions, bar_values, bar_errors): if value < 200: x, sx = uncertain_value_to_str(value, stddev) plt.text(value + stddev + 10, position, f"({x} ± {sx}) MB/s", ha='left', va='center') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig("plot-sshfs-full-read-comparison.png", dpi=300) fig.savefig("plot-sshfs-full-read-comparison.pdf", dpi=300) plt.show() ```


The same plot could also be done for write / upload speeds. And I forgot to include the original sshfs FUSE tool...

shcheklein commented 3 weeks ago

Nice! Is it CPU bounded in this case (bc of Python overhead for example)? or some configuration (just curious why it can be ~10x slower vs rclone/scp

mxmlnkn commented 3 weeks ago

I tried to analyze the performance a bit in this post: https://github.com/ronf/asyncssh/issues/691#issuecomment-2375382829

mxmlnkn commented 3 weeks ago

I have added sshfs to the benchmarks:

Edit 2024-09-30: Turns out that asyncssh is the only one out of these 9 alternatives that enables compression by default if nothing is specified. After explicitly disabling compression, the performance is finally comparable to other tools. Furthermore, ayncssh was extended to query the best block size from the server and use that as default. This further improves the performance.

full-read timings

I have also done write benchmarks, although I dropped lftpget and sftp because I could not be bothered to rewrite the command lines to work for uploads:

full-write timings

rclone is surprisingly bad at uploads, but aside from that there are the same hilarious one to two orders of magnitude performance differences between the worst and best tools.

I'd say these benchmarks should be enough for this issue.