fsstudio-team / ZeroSimROSUnity

Robotic simulation in Unity with ROS integration.
MIT License
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ROS Camera depth publisher: ROSUnityManager not instantiate #21

Closed Guillaume-Syc closed 2 years ago

Guillaume-Syc commented 2 years ago

Hello ! I've just download the package on Unity (ubuntu). I've place the ZORGBDepthCamera on an GameObject with a ZOROSRGBDepthPublisher. I've use the docker project to launch zero_sim_ros basic_unity_editor.launch. Unity give me this error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ZO.ROS.Publisher.ZOROSRGBDepthPublisher.ZOUpdateHzSynchronized () (at Library/PackageCache/com.fsstudio.zerosim@354853b8f1/Runtime/Scripts/ROS/Unity/Publishers/ZOROSRGBDepthPublisher.cs:113) ZO.Util.ZOGameObjectBase.Update () (at Library/PackageCache/com.fsstudio.zerosim@354853b8f1/Runtime/Scripts/Util/GameObject/ZOGameObjectBase.cs:232) When I look at the object "ROSUnityManager" in the debug mode, it a null object. Did I miss a step at the installation or some thing like that ?
Thank you !

anqitongxue commented 2 years ago


micahpearlman commented 2 years ago

No idea. Did you add a ZOROSUnityManager to the scene?

micahpearlman commented 2 years ago

Any luck?

micahpearlman commented 2 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.