fstark / macflim

MacFlim flim player source code and utilities
MIT License
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Unable to play flims #27

Closed superjer2000 closed 2 years ago

superjer2000 commented 2 years ago

The original sound-less MacFlim works without issue on my SE/30.

I tried two different binaries of the sound-capable version without success.

  1. One version is on the .dsk image at GibHub (the one that supports library view)
  2. The other version was from the website (much simpler version that only has an open flim dialog box).

The .dsk Github version opens and there is a soundless Matrix flim also on the .dsk file which plays, however when I try to open any of the other sound-enabled flims downloaded from the website (I tried various SE/30 and the Plus flims) the application indicates there are too many streams (max 10) and the cursor disappears (I can still interact with the menus etc. and quit the application).

The simpler version downloaded from the macflim website just crashes with an unimplemented trap error when I try to open a flim.

Neither application shows prior flims in the open dialog box (I'm thinking this is by design).

Pertinent notes: SE/30 has a 50mhz '030 accelerator and 68MB of RAM.

Love the project and the humour sprinkled through the all elements of MacFlim. I am hoping to get it working so I can make a film about cycling to watch on my SE/30.

fstark commented 2 years ago

Thanks for trying macflim. Sorry, the flims on the website have not been updated and are incompatbile with the binary from the .dsk file. I will update them later today so you can test.

fstark commented 2 years ago

Neither application shows prior flims in the open dialog box (I'm thinking this is by design).

Yes, so both versions can reside on a disk and each handle its own kind of flims.

the application indicates there are too many streams (max 10) and the cursor disappears (I can still interact with the menus etc. and quit the application).

The format has changed and the old flims confuse the code. The cursor dispearing after that error is an error I fixed a couple of days ago, but the code was not pushed to the repo ( https://github.com/fstark/macflim/commit/447b66f0adfb26472ec53e425f0240656407df18#diff-bacba4dbdaea10e0a777092b20ba6461072286f56a9373c4f498910bbb1c6f1fR36 )

I have now pushed the latest version of the app to the repo's .dsk.

In the "MacFlim Sources" folder, there is a "MacFlim 2.0" folder that is very very close to the forthcoming release.

There are a lot of quality of life and polishing improvements, so please use this version.

I have also updated the website with the correct se30 flims.

Let me know how it goes, and thanks for the interest!

Pertinent notes: SE/30 has a 50mhz '030 accelerator and 68MB of RAM.

Lucky you! When you encode your flims, you may be able to use the option "--profile perfect".

I am hoping to get it working so I can make a film about cycling to watch on my SE/30.

I may add an EULA to specifically avoid such heretic behavior!

(Note: youy may need to force-refresh your browser to load the new content of http://www.macflim.com/macflim2)

fstark commented 2 years ago

All flims on the web site are up to date. Closing. Please confirm everything is ok.

superjer2000 commented 2 years ago

You are an evil genius! It's working great and is a remarkable achievement! I'm going to cancel my Netflix subscription now.

fstark commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Let me know if you get to create your own flims at some point. And have zero hesitation to report all the minor annoyances you have when using MacFlim (for instance, I hate the fact that the Library is empty on the first run and you have to manually "Add" flims to it). Or that you cannot rename the flims yet. Or that you cannot seek into flims. Or copy screenshots.

Note: the project was going to be called Macflix, but the domain name was not available. I have some stupidly evil ideas for the next iteration of MacFlim that may be of use if you did drop your Netflix subscription...