fsvh / pacifica-icon-theme

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Pacifica Icon Theme - Not supported on Trusty #5

Open JoshStrobl opened 10 years ago

JoshStrobl commented 10 years ago

"W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/fsvh/pacifica-icon-theme/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found"

Please land the pacifica icon theme in the Launchpad PPA for Trusty (Ubuntu 14.04). Thanks.

tusharvikky commented 10 years ago


rhoconlinux commented 10 years ago

Hi guys, the PPA needs to be updated to support Trusty, in the meantime, you can do this ninja-install trick (open a terminal and paste this line- yes is only ONE line):

wget https://launchpad.net/~fsvh/+archive/pacifica-icon-theme/+files/pacifica-icon-theme_0.4.1%7Eubuntu13.10.1_all.deb -O pacifica.deb && sudo dpkg -i pacifica.deb ; sudo apt-get install -f -y && rm pacifica.deb && cd

Cheers! Enjoy Pacifica in Trusty by selecting it through your favorite tweak tool. :)