The default Cert Algorithm of Org.BouncyCastle.Pkcs.Pkcs12StoreBuilder is PkcsObjectIdentifiers.PbewithShaAnd40BitRC2Cbc
Android devices do not support RC2's pfx certificate by default, so the modified method here passes the Cert Algorithm into the custom Cert Algorithm of the exported PFX file.
For example: pfxBuilder.Build(friendlyName, pfxPassword, PkcsObjectIdentifiers.PbeWithShaAnd3KeyTripleDesCbc)
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The default Cert Algorithm of Org.BouncyCastle.Pkcs.Pkcs12StoreBuilder is PkcsObjectIdentifiers.PbewithShaAnd40BitRC2Cbc
Android devices do not support RC2's pfx certificate by default, so the modified method here passes the Cert Algorithm into the custom Cert Algorithm of the exported PFX file.
For example: pfxBuilder.Build(friendlyName, pfxPassword, PkcsObjectIdentifiers.PbeWithShaAnd3KeyTripleDesCbc)
Please describe the purpose of the pull request.
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