fszlin / certes

A client implementation for the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol
MIT License
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It encounters a full break when using in Visual Basic. #327

Closed MilanHoesl closed 3 months ago

MilanHoesl commented 3 months ago

I've created a simple script in C# following the documentation, but when I try to replicate it in VB, it fails to create an account and instead breaks without even throwing an error.

.Net 8.0 Console Application


Imports System.IO Imports Certes Imports Certes.Acme Imports Certes.Pkcs

Module Program Sub Main() CertificateManager("", "", "") End Sub

Async Sub CertificateManager(Mail As String, Domain As String, Password As String)
        Console.WriteLine("- Started -")
        Dim Acme As New AcmeContext(WellKnownServers.LetsEncryptStagingV2)
        Dim Account As IAccountContext = Await AcmeAccount(Acme, Mail)
        Dim Order As IOrderContext = Await AcmeOrder(Acme, Domain)
        Dim Certificate As CertificateChain = Await AcmeCertificate(Order, Password)
        Console.WriteLine("- Finished -")
    Catch ex As AcmeException
    End Try

End Sub

Async Function AcmeAccount(Acme As AcmeContext, Mail As String) As Task(Of IAccountContext)
    Dim Path As String = "account.pem"
    Dim Account As IAccountContext

    If File.Exists(Path) Then
        Console.WriteLine("Load Account...")
        Dim Pem As String = File.ReadAllText(Path)
        Dim Key As IKey = KeyFactory.FromPem(Pem)
        Acme = New AcmeContext(WellKnownServers.LetsEncryptStagingV2, Key)
        Account = Await Acme.Account()
        Console.WriteLine("Create Account...")
        Account = Await Acme.NewAccount(Mail, True)
        Dim Pem As String = Acme.AccountKey.ToPem()
        File.WriteAllText(Path, Pem)
    End If

    Return Nothing
End Function

Async Function AcmeOrder(Acme As AcmeContext, Domain As String) As Task(Of IOrderContext)
    Dim Order As IOrderContext = Await Acme.NewOrder(New List(Of String) From {Domain})
    Console.WriteLine("Order Created...")
    Return Order
End Function

Async Sub AcmeAuthorization(Order As IOrderContext)
    Dim Authz As IAuthorizationContext = (Await Order.Authorizations()).First()
    Dim HttpChallange As IChallengeContext = Await Authz.Http()
    Dim KeyAuthz As String = HttpChallange.KeyAuthz

    Console.WriteLine("Validate Order...")
    Await HttpChallange.Validate()
End Sub

Async Function AcmeCertificate(Order As IOrderContext, Password As String) As Task(Of CertificateChain)
    Dim Key As IKey = KeyFactory.NewKey(KeyAlgorithm.ES256)
    Dim Csr As New CsrInfo() With
        .CountryName = "DE",
        .State = "",
        .Locality = "",
        .Organization = "",
        .OrganizationUnit = "Dev"

    Console.WriteLine("Create Certificate...")
    Dim Cert As CertificateChain = Await Order.Generate(Csr, Key)

    Dim Pem As String = Cert.ToPem()

    Dim PfxBuild As PfxBuilder = Cert.ToPfx(Key)
    Dim Pfx As Byte() = PfxBuild.Build("my-cert", Password)

    Return Cert
End Function

End Module
