ftctechnh / ftc_app

FTC Android Studio project to create FTC Robot Controller app.
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Moto G4 driver phone will not init program after 5-6 successful runs #447

Open jdkunzeman opened 6 years ago

jdkunzeman commented 6 years ago

First of all, I have not updated to 3.5, so I apologize if this is resolved in that version. I will update soon and test again. These problems are occurring on 3.4.

We are using Moto G4 play phones and two Rev Robotics Expansion Hubs. We have noticed that after about 5-6 successful autonomous runs the driver station phone will not respond to pushing the init button in the app. It says it is connected and shows good ping times, but sometimes also does not display the battery voltage from the robot. Occasionally the DS phone will react to pushing the init button, but the robot only actually inits after about 10 seconds, which is significant lag.

Here's what I tried, in order, without success:

  1. Restart the DS phone
  2. Restart both phones
  3. Disconnect DS from RC, kill DS app, re-pair, accept connection of RC phone (This also did not fix. Could init, but had lots of lag.)

Finally powered both phones and robot off for 7 minutes, then restarted everything. Everything was fine for six autonomous runs, then the problem reoccurred. Shut everything off for 3 minutes and the problem went away for five runs.

It looks like we have a workaround in shutting everything down for at least 3 minutes, which is good some our first competition is coming up. However, any ideas what's wrong?

Also, autorun is disabled.


jdkunzeman commented 6 years ago

I now have two hubs at firmware version 1.7. Have not run enough yet to know if all problems are gone. Getting the following error on the RC phone when the robot starts: "problem with "rs2", which is a color sensor and is concerning. Log file indicates that the MR color sensor associated with rs2 is "Modern Robotics I2C Color Sensor v0.0" while the other two MR color sensors are v1.1 and are not throwing problem statements. Is there a known problem with older MR color sensors?
robotControllerLog 171115_2030.txt

cmacfarl commented 6 years ago

v0.0 implies that the communication path out to that particular color sensor is broken.

Your other color sensors are working properly. Are you sure all your electrical connections are correct?

ftc4991 commented 6 years ago

Has anyone had the init freeze issue while using MR power distribution module and MR color sensors? We are. It just started today and we are not using the Rev modules and don't know how to fix the problem.

gearsincorg commented 6 years ago

You said: Color SensorS . If you are using more than one, you will need to change the addresses so they don't clash with each other.

ftc4991 commented 6 years ago

can you tell me how I would change the addresses?? And just to be sure, I am using a MR device interface module and two MR color sensors.