We have ZTEs and moto g4 Plays and a moto E4(Android 7.1.1, sdk 4.3)
our teams like the 'back' button for out of the way functions so that they're not accidentally engaged.
The current Drive Station SDK is not recognizing the back button on the moto G4Play or the E4.
Take Basic_OpMode_Linear and add this to the run loop:
if (gamepad1.start)
telemetry.addData("Button", "Start");
if (gamepad1.back)
telemetry.addData("Button", "Back");
We will see the start button response, but not the back button. The controller icon does show the green halo for the button press. gamepad2 has the same problem.
If we load the same code on a pair of ZTE phones, the buttons work as they should. We can live without the back button, but wonder if other key presses might be also suffering. (This issue was noticed with the 4.0 sdk, but we didn't investigate as thoroughly.) Anyone ?!
We have ZTEs and moto g4 Plays and a moto E4(Android 7.1.1, sdk 4.3)
our teams like the 'back' button for out of the way functions so that they're not accidentally engaged.
The current Drive Station SDK is not recognizing the back button on the moto G4Play or the E4.
Take Basic_OpMode_Linear and add this to the run loop:
We will see the start button response, but not the back button. The controller icon does show the green halo for the button press. gamepad2 has the same problem.
If we load the same code on a pair of ZTE phones, the buttons work as they should. We can live without the back button, but wonder if other key presses might be also suffering. (This issue was noticed with the 4.0 sdk, but we didn't investigate as thoroughly.) Anyone ?!