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browse & preview skins, charsets and more #21

Closed Xylemon closed 1 year ago

Xylemon commented 1 year ago


mushis wrote on 2015-06-22:

would be neat to be able to list and preview existing files, such as skins, skyboxes, crosshairs.

So in the left side of the screen would be the file list, sorted. disregard the locations, just the name.ext of the file And on the right side of the screen a preview of that file.


Xylemon commented 1 year ago

@Shpoike wrote on 2015-06-22:

not all content is easy to represent faithfully. skyboxes would need to be mapped onto a rotating sphere or something. skins often have upper/lower/etc postfixes, which do not make sense as actual choices. would need to figure out some way to purge content also, should the user browse through a thousand different images (FPS games tend to try to avoid dynamic loading/flushing).

I don't mean to say that its impossible, just that it would take more work to get it polished than I'm prepared to put in right now.

Xylemon commented 1 year ago

mushis wrote on 2015-07-07:

You can close this. with /dir a list of files is printed on the console, so it's good enough.

please ensure that all the files are printed on the console. For example, there can be crosshair files on fte/crosshair or qw/crosshair or id/crosshair

Also add a /list command for particles :)