Closed Xylemon closed 1 year ago
@Shpoike wrote on 2015-07-07:
This is mostly implemented now, except that it doesn't connect by default.
connecting via qwfwd by default is not a long-term option, as doing so will disable certain protocol extensions (not that you'd notice if you were connecting to mvdsv, I guess).
mushis wrote on 2015-07-07:
you're smart, figure out a way =) ok, not need by detault, but a cvar would control that.
also ezQ caches the server's ping so it doesn't need a refresh to calculate the best routes, which is goodie too.
This is a big thing, everyone is using qwfwd nowadays, just look at the ppl connecting through Proxy servers:
mushis wrote on 2015-07-07:
i've seen you implemented /connectbr, but didn't make it default good enough. must test the pings.
note: most of the times the pings shown in the sb (old one) aren't reliable. sb pings very fast, but sometimes they're way off..
mushis wrote on 2015-07-07:
Best Route stuff should be implemented to the client.
EzQ's documentation for reference:
this should be the default when connecting to qw servers
before connecting: route preview would be interesting (for example on the popup) The user must be able to choose to connect with/without proxy (using a different button/key)
all LAN connections must ignore proxys.