fte-team / fteqw

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plug_sbar isn't working #36

Closed Xylemon closed 1 year ago

Xylemon commented 1 year ago


mushis wrote on 2015-10-14:

plug_sbar 1 isn't working properly it is supposed ezq hud plugin when connecting to any netQuake server and load when it connect to a qw server.

it is being loaded when connecting to netQuake servers (dm/rune quake..)

but! it doesn't load when starting a single player game. so its kinda working, but not on online nq dm servers

Xylemon commented 1 year ago

mushis wrote on 2015-10-15:

you replied by email and I understand. so it is working, just doesnt detect if it is nq or qw. just single or multiplayer. This option should be on the menu

Xylemon commented 1 year ago

@Shpoike wrote on 2015-10-16:

considering that fte can use either nq protocols to connect to a fteqw server running a qw mod, or qw protocols to connect to an fte server running an nq mod, it seems futile to draw any distinctions based upon protocol alone. distinguishing based upon the server's deathmatch cvar is fair game though.