fthiella / icread

Quick and dirty ICobol .XD file reader
Apache License 2.0
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Some UNSIGNED DISPLAY are not working #1

Closed neimanpinchas closed 6 years ago

neimanpinchas commented 6 years ago

Before i've found your project, i started by myself the same idea using node js I managed to make all alphanumeric work however some UNSIGNED DISPLAY fields (with odd precision and scales) did'nt worked. I guessed its some funny BCD decoding but was unable to figure it out.

I would say that the xdt is wrong but it is working with the ODBC driver from icobol

than i've found your perl code, and i see that you are reading it as 8 bit ###, and finding the decimal placement from the precision, which doesnt work too with my fields.

I also tested your tool as is and got the same results

any idea?

Here is my code BTW i found the javascript ini parser to be more forgivable then the perl Config:INI

var fs=require("fs"),ini = require('ini')
var template=ini.parse(fs.readFileSync("inventory.xdt")+'')
var buf=fs.readFileSync("./INVFILE.XD")
var records=[]
var headerlength=521
var recordlength=266
var recordcount=((buf.length-headerlength)/recordlength)-1
for (i=0;i<recordcount;i++){
    var record={}
    var raw=buf.slice(headerlength+(i*recordlength),headerlength+(i*recordlength)+recordlength)
    for (key in template.Columns)
            var fld=template[key]
            if (fld.Type=='ALPHANUMERIC'){
            } else if (fld.Type=='UNSIGNED DISPLAY'){
            } else {



neimanpinchas commented 6 years ago

Sorry I managed to cntact the original cobol developer, and he checked the source code with his .xdt and it was a COMP field, so i am doing now readIntBE(positio,lentgh)/(Math.pow(10,scale)