ftilmann / latexdiff

Compares two latex files and marks up significant differences between them. Releases on www.ctan.org and mirrors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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latexdiff introduces errors #266

Open kirk86 opened 2 years ago

kirk86 commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the latexdiff package.

I have two issues which could be due to me being a novice user.

  1. latexdiff doesn't seem to work on large latex projects where I would mostly need it. For instance, a typical large latex project would involve having a main/master tex file which includes additional tex files. If I use latexdiff to compare the main tex files then it will ignore all the included tex files from the main file forcing the user to manually compare each tex file separately.
  2. Even after manually applying latexdiff on each tex file separately when I try to compile the tex project seems impossible since there are a ton of errors introduced by latexdiff and the project won't compile, but without latexdiff the project compiles fine without any errors or warnings.
ftilmann commented 2 years ago

To 1. Have you seen the --flatten option. Depending on the exact way you include files, this might solve your problem. The best way to use this option is to use version control with git, svn or mercurial and then use latexdiff-vc. While the computational demands grow superlinearly with document length I have successfully processed whole PhD thesis of > 100 pages, although the delay is noticeable (I can't quite remember but it was more than a minute I think - this will also depend strongly on the the number and distribution of changes).

To 2. With this information it is impossible to diagnose what the problem is. In general: latexdiff is 'just' a pattern matcher making some assumptions, and there are a small number of requirements regarding the formatting (see the documentation). It does not play with all optional packages. If you still run into a problem you need to construct an MWE (minimum working example) sharing the input files and error messages obtained as well as latexdiff version. See https://minimalbeispiel.de/mini-en.html