ftk / quickjspp

QuickJS C++ wrapper
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Share Value between contexts #46

Open AaronWright3 opened 2 years ago

AaronWright3 commented 2 years ago


I have two files, test_a.js and test_b.js. Here they are:


var test_object = {
    foo: "test_a.js",
function func_a(obj) {
    if ("foo" in obj)


var test_object = {
    foo: "test_b.js",

I load test_a.js along with native C++ function print (imported as module System) into context context, and test_b.js into context context2. Both belong to the same runtime.

My goal is to call func_a from test_a.js in context with the object test_object from test_b.js from context2 as an argument.

However, trying this (ignoring my contexts and methods which are actually from my own wrapper class):

      qjs::Value test_obj_b = context2.get()->eval("test_object");

      auto func_a = context.get()->eval("func_a").as<std::function<void(const qjs::Value&)>>();


results in the following: Assertion failed: ctx == v.ctx, file ../include/quickjspp/quickjspp.hpp, line 1807

Apparently when wrapping a JSValue into a Value, a check is performed to make sure the value is from the same context as the context it's being used in. However, I was under the impression from quickjs's documentation that sharing objects between contexts was possible ("There can be several JSContexts per JSRuntime and they can share objects[...]"), so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong with quickjspp, if this is intended behavior, or if I'm just missing some crucial piece of information in my basic idea.

EDIT: if I remove the assertion from quickjspp.hpp, things behave the way I expect, and "test_b.js" is output to the console. I imagine this might have consequences, though?

ftk commented 2 years ago

When I was writing quickjspp I was not expecting for values to be shared between contexts. The assertion might not be needed indeed