Instead of showing the detected timezone in the top left of the screen (which may not necessarily be perceived as a timezone), we should detect whether or not the timezone we are in already has a clock in the footer.
If we already have a clock, we should display a visual indicator that this is the timezone we think we're in (perhaps a dot beneath the time, like the indicator of an active Mac app), and, if we do not have one, append it to the existing 5.
Instead of showing the detected timezone in the top left of the screen (which may not necessarily be perceived as a timezone), we should detect whether or not the timezone we are in already has a clock in the footer.
If we already have a clock, we should display a visual indicator that this is the timezone we think we're in (perhaps a dot beneath the time, like the indicator of an active Mac app), and, if we do not have one, append it to the existing 5.