ftnext / sphinx-new-tab-link

Open external links in new tabs of the browser in Sphinx HTML documents
MIT License
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External link icon #15

Closed rJIynbIuKOT closed 1 day ago

rJIynbIuKOT commented 5 days ago

Hi. Could you add a setting to add icon to an external link? For example, link-external from https://sphinx-design.readthedocs.io/en/latest/badges_buttons.html#inline-icons

ftnext commented 5 days ago

@rJIynbIuKOT Thank you for sharing your idea.

Does the sphinx-new-tab-link with this feature build the following HTML? I would like to ask for you to comment on this mock.

rJIynbIuKOT commented 4 days ago

@FredM67 Yes, that's exactly what I want. So that the user immediately understands that the link leads to an external resource.

ftnext commented 1 day ago

@rJIynbIuKOT Thanks. I just released 0.5.0, please try it. Documentation is here: https://github.com/ftnext/sphinx-new-tab-link/tree/v0.5.0?tab=readme-ov-file#new_tab_link_show_external_link_icon