ftntcorecse / fndn_ansible

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No write permission #3

Closed jklasd8899 closed 5 years ago

jklasd8899 commented 5 years ago

Following is how my inventory file looks like based on example provided on https://ftnt-ansible-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fmgr_getting_started.html.

[fortimanager] IP_ADDR_FM ansible_host= IP_ADDR_FM

[fortimanager:vars] ansible_network_os=fortimanager ansible_user=USERNAME ansible_password=PASSWORD ansible_become=no ansible_become_method=disable ansible_httpapi_use_ssl=true ansible_httpapi_validate_certs=false ansible_httpapi_timeout=300

Playbook -

The user is provisioned with "set rpc-permit read-write".

However on execution of playbook receive the following error

"msg": "no write permission",
"rc": -10147,
"unreachable": false 

Looks like the issue maybe with locking the ADOM before making config changes and then also to unlock the ADOM once the task is complete. The guide does not describe how to lock and unlock the ADOM for config changes on fortimanager.

amosbeh commented 5 years ago

having the same issue, what is your solution?

jklasd8899 commented 5 years ago

The module_utils/network/fortimanager/fortimanager.py and plugins/httpapi/fortimanager.py files were updated in this project to handle the issue. Standard Ansible plugins are not up-to-date so you will have to clone this repo and update the files.