When in the interactive mode, if the user presses the enter key, he will get an error like this:
ERROR: Parse error at line 1, column 1:
Expected one of:
singletons (followed by end-of-string)
st (followed by end-of-string)
finalizers (followed by end-of-string)
f (followed by end-of-string)
list (followed by end-of-string)
q (followed by end-of-string)
quit (followed by end-of-string)
exit (followed by end-of-string)
h (followed by end-of-string)
help (followed by end-of-string)
Wouldn't it be more intuitive to get something like this when pressing enter multiple times?
When in the interactive mode, if the user presses the enter key, he will get an error like this:
Wouldn't it be more intuitive to get something like this when pressing enter multiple times?
If you think so, I can fix this.