ftsf / nico

a Game Framework in Nim inspired by Pico-8.
MIT License
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NICO Font Tool - Converting fonts to NICO format #119

Closed TakWolf closed 7 months ago

TakWolf commented 1 year ago

Nim version: https://github.com/TakWolf/nico-font-tool Support: otf, ttf Not sure: woff, woff2

Python version: https://github.com/TakWolf/nico-font-tool.python Support: otf, ttf, woff, woff2, bdf

Issues need to be solved: https://github.com/ftsf/nico/issues/115 https://github.com/ftsf/nico/pull/118 In addition, there is no need to do other works for supporting Unicode with currently nico's font foramts.

The tools requires test and feedback, please report on usage. Thanks.