ftsrg / codemodel-rifle

Graph-based incremental static analysis of ECMAScript 6 source code repositories
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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IDs should be indexed to speed up setting node relationships at repository sync #5

Closed luczsoma closed 7 years ago

luczsoma commented 7 years ago

Node IDs should be indexed, so setting relationships among (very much) ASG-nodes would be faster.

Neo4j provides a way to create indices on arbitrary properties, but they are not immediately available, but are created in the background:


The syntax also suggests to append the Node label to every ASG-node, so they can be ID-indexed alike.

The ImpermanentGraphDatabase is created on-the-run, so we do not have the time for the index to be created in the background. Searching for a solution to create an "immediate" index for an empty database.

szarnyasg commented 7 years ago

I would not bother - ingraph does have a built-in indexer, so it will be plenty fast for this. Once it's done :-).