ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 040 #15

Closed ftyers closed 8 months ago

ftyers commented 10 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:40
# text = Ic nauj capitulo, vncan mjtoa: in tetzaujtl injc motetzaujaia, in jquac teculutl chocaia.
# text[norm] = Ic nahui capítulo, oncan mihtoa: in tetzahuitl inic motetzahuiaya, in ihcuac tecolotl chocaya.
# text[orig] = I·c·nauj·capitulo·,·vncan·mj¶toa·:·intetzaujtl·injc·motetzauja¶ia·,·inj·quac·teculutl·chocaia·.
# text[osp] = Capitulo quarto, del mal aguero: que tomauan del canto del buho ave.
# text[spa] = Cuarto capítulo, donde se habla del agüero, que tomaron por agüero, cuando el tecolote ulula.
# references = A&D/168:1
1   Ic  ic  ADV _   _   2   _   _   _
2   nauj    nahui   NUM _   _   3   _   _   _
3   capitulo    capítulo    NOUN    _   State=Abs   6   _   _   _
4   ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   6   punct   _   _
5   vncan   oncan   ADV _   _   6   _   _   _
6   mjtoa   ihtoa   VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Reflexive[obj]=Yes|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    0   root    _   _
7   :   :   PUNCT   _   _   9   punct   _   _
8   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   9   _   _   _
9   tetzaujtl   tetzahuitl  NOUN    _   State=Abs   6   _   _   _
10  injc    inic    SCONJ   _   _   11  _   _   _
11  motetzaujaia    tetzahuia   VERB    _   _   9   _   _   _
12  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   16  punct   _   _
13  in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   16  _   _   _
14  jquac   ihcuac  SCONJ   _   _   16  _   _   _
15  teculutl    tecolotl    NOUN    _   State=Abs   16  _   _   _
16  chocaia choca   VERB    _   Aspect=Imp|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin    11  _   _   _
17  .   .   PUNCT   _   _   6   punct   _   _
ftyers commented 10 months ago


Updated according to decisions:

Remaining questions:

Lguyogiro commented 10 months ago

Working on the rel from tetzahuitl / motetzahuiaya and chocaya in #34

ftyers commented 9 months ago

According to #34, this is what it should be:


Although I'm not super convinced...

Lguyogiro commented 9 months ago

That's the only part that is weird to me, having one of the parts of a conj relationship introduced by a subordinator that is different than the other... whereas here, I kind of want to do acl(tetzahuitl, motetzahuiaya) ? lol but we did not do that in #34

So either the above is good or we should change 34 to have this acl rel ("it was a portent that VERBs").

I'm happy with either one.

ftyers commented 9 months ago

That's the only part that is weird to me, having one of the parts of a conj relationship introduced by a subordinator that is different than the other... whereas here, I kind of want to do acl(tetzahuitl, motetzahuiaya) ? lol but we did not do that in #34

Well, it's not completely different right? inic = in ic, we could think of it like mark(..., in), advmod(..., ic)

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

Yeah good point. LGTM

ftyers commented 8 months ago

Merged in 30e3597.