ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 038 #21

Closed ftyers closed 8 months ago

ftyers commented 10 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:38
# text = Auh intlacamo qualli, in cinjtta: tecolli, anoço tzotzomatli, ic qujnextia, in çan icnoiotl, netolinjliztli, oqujmaceoalti.
# text[norm] = Auh intlacamo cualli, in conitta: tecolli, anozo tzotzomatli, ic quinextia, in zan icnoyotl, netoliniliztli, oquimacehualti.
# text[orig] = A·uh·in¶tlacamo·qualli·,·in·cinjtta·:·tecolli·,·anoço·tzotzomatli·,·ic·qujnextia·,·in·çan·icnoiotl·,·netolinjliztli·,·o¶qujmaceoalti·.
# text[osp] = Y is porventura hallaua en el paño carbones, o algun handraxo, o pedaço de manta roto, y suzio: en esto conocia, quele auja de venir malauentura, y miseria.
# text[spa] = Y si no fuera bueno, vio carbón, o un trapo, así revela sólo pobreza, miseria, merecía.
# references = A&D/166:4
# tagged = 100.00%
# lemmatised = 100.00%
# analysed = 100.00%
# heads = 100.00%
# relations = 43.48%
1   Auh auh CCONJ   _   _   6   _   _   Orig=A·uh|Folio=6r,6r|Paragraph=1,1|Line=22,22|Norm=Auh|Gloss=y
2   intlacamo   intlacamo   SCONJ   _       3   _   _   Orig=in¶·tlacamo|Folio=6r,6r|Paragraph=1,1|Line=22,23|Norm=intlacamo|Gloss=si.no|Analysed=Yes
3   qualli  cualli  ADJ _   _   6   _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=cualli|Gloss=bueno
4   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       6   punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
5   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   6   _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=in
6   cinjtta itta    VERB    _   Directional=On|Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 0   root    _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=conitta|Analysed=Yes
7   :   :   PUNCT   _       8   punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
8   tecolli tecolli NOUN    _   State=Abs   6   _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=tecolli|Gloss=fuego|Analysed=Yes
9   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       11  punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=23|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
10  anoço   anozo   ADV _       11  _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=24|Norm=anozo|Analysed=Yes
11  tzotzomatli tzotzomatli NOUN    _   State=Abs   8   _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=24|Norm=tzotzomatli|Analysed=Yes
12  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       14  punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=24|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
13  ic  ic  ADV _   _   14  _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=24|Norm=ic
14  qujnextia   nextia  VERB    _   Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    6   parataxis   _Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=24|Norm=quinextia|Analysed=Yes
15  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       18  punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=24|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
16  in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   18  _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=25|Norm=in
17  çan zan ADV _       18  _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=25|Norm=zan|Analysed=Yes
18  icnoiotl    icnoyotl    NOUN    _   State=Abs   14  _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=25|Norm=icnoyotl|Gloss=pobreza|Analysed=Yes
19  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       20  punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=25|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
20  netolinjliztli  netoliniliztli  NOUN    _   State=Abs   18  _   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=25|Norm=netoliniliztli|Gloss=miseria|Analysed=Yes
21  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       22  punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=25|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
22  oqujmaceoalti   macehualtia VERB    _   _   14  _   _   Orig=o¶·qujmaceoalti|Folio=6r,6r|Paragraph=1,1|Line=25,26|Norm=oquimacehualti|Root=macehua
23  .   .   PUNCT   _       6   punct   _   Folio=6r|Paragraph=1|Line=26|Norm=.|Analysed=Yes
ftyers commented 10 months ago

Updated try:


López Austin has:

Y si no era bueno, veía un 'carbón o un andrajo. Así descubría que sólo miseria y pobreza había alcanzado.

Anderson and Dibble have:

But if it were not good, he saw a piece of charcoal or a rag. Thus it indicated that his reward had become only poverty and misery.


ftyers commented 9 months ago

Another option is:

Perhaps something like: imatge

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

otherwise, LGTM

ftyers commented 8 months ago

Like so?


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

This LGTM. If you want to keep intla together (I can't remember/find how we determined it) I gues that would work too, since they have the same relation. But otherwise this looks good.