ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 046 #23

Closed ftyers closed 9 months ago

ftyers commented 10 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:46
# text = No ioan, intla ie aca mococoa: in jpan tzatzitiqujca, qujtoaia ca aiocmo qujcaz: ca ticcaoazque.
# text[norm] = No ihuan, intla ye aca mococoa: in ipan tzatzitiquiza, quihtoaya ca ayocmo quizaz: ca ticcahuazque.
# text[orig] = No·ioan·,·intla·ie·aca·mococoa·:·inj¶pan·tzatzitiqujca·,·qujtoaia·ca·aioc¶mo·qujcaz·:·caticcaoazque·.
# text[osp] = [...] estaua algun enfermo: luego le pronosticauan la muerte.
# text[spa] = También con eso, si ya alguien se enferma: que en él se pone a chillar, decían que ya no saldrá, que lo dejaremos.
# references = A&D/169:3
1   No  no  ADV _       13  advmod  _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=No|Gloss=también|Analysed=Yes
2   ioan    huan    NOUN    _   NounType=Relat|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|State=Pos   13  obl _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=ihuan|Gloss=con|Analysed=Yes
3   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       7   punct   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
4   intla   tla PRON    _   _   7   mark    _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=intla|Gloss=algo
5   ie  ye  ADV _   _   7   advmod  _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=ye|AmbigNorm=True|Override=False
6   aca aca DET|PRON    _   _   7   nsubj   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=aca
7   mococoa cocoa   VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Reflexive[obj]=Yes|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    13  advcl   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=mococoa|Analysed=Yes
8   :   :   PUNCT   _       11  punct   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
9   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   11  _   _   Orig=inj¶·pan|Folio=7v,7v|Paragraph=3,3|Line=13,14|Norm=in
10  jpan    pan NOUN    _   NounType=Relat|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|State=Pos   11  obl _   Orig=inj¶·pan|Folio=7v,7v|Paragraph=3,3|Line=13,14|Norm=ipan|Analysed=Yes
11  tzatzitiqujca   tzatzi  VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Intr   7   _   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=tzatzitiquiza|Analysed=Yes
12  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       13  punct   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
13  qujtoaia    ihtoa   VERB    _   Aspect=Imp|Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 0   root    _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=quihtoaya|Analysed=Yes
14  ca  cah|ca  VERB    _   _   13  _   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=ca|AmbigNorm=True|Override=False
15  aiocmo  ayocmo  ADV _       16  advmod  _   Orig=aioc¶·mo|Folio=7v,7v|Paragraph=3,3|Line=14,15|Norm=ayocmo|Gloss=ya.no|Analysed=Yes
16  qujcaz  quiza   VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Fut|VerbForm=Fin    14  _   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=quizaz|Analysed=Yes
17  :   :   PUNCT   _       18  punct   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
18  ca  cah|ca  VERB    _   _   13  _   _   Orig=caticcaoazque|Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=ca|AmbigNorm=True|Override=False
19  ticcaoazque cahua   VERB    _   Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=1|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Fut|VerbForm=Fin  18  __  Orig=caticcaoazque|Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=ticcahuazque|Analysed=Yes
20  .   .   PUNCT   _       13  punct   _   Folio=7v|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=.|Analysed=Yes
ftyers commented 10 months ago


ftyers commented 10 months ago

López Austin:

Y también si alguno enfermaba y sobre él se ponía a cantar, de­cían: "Ya no saldrá; ya lo entregaremos."

Note that this is somewhat like #36 in terms of the conjunction semantics.

ftyers commented 10 months ago

Here is an option: imatge

But we should make sure to treat similar examples of intla X: in Y, Z the same.

Lguyogiro commented 9 months ago

This looks right to me. And yeah, we should make sure to treat these constructions similarly (I think there are a number of them), at least the ones that have "quihtoaya" as the Z verb.

ftyers commented 9 months ago

Merged in 01314fc.