ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 091 #26

Closed ftyers closed 8 months ago

ftyers commented 10 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:91
# text = No yoan, netetzaujloia moteittitiaia: in jtoca cujtlapanton, anoço cintanaton: mjtoa in acolhoacan centlapachton: iuh tocaiotilo.
# text[norm] = No ihuan, netetzahuiloya moteittitiaya: in itoca cuitlapanton, anozo cintanaton: mihtoa in Acolhuacan centlapachton: iuh tocayotilo.
# text[orig] = No·yoan·,·netetzaujloia·mo¶teittitiaia·:·injtoca·cujtla·panton·,·anoço·cintanaton·:·mjtoa·inacolho¶acan·centlapachton·:·iuh·tocaiotilo·.
# text[eng] = With that also, they considered an omen appeared before them: its name "[...]", or "[...]": it is said in Acolhuacan "[...]": like this they were named.
# text[osp] = Auja otra manera de fantasma, que de noche aparecia: ordinariamente en los lugares, donde yvan a hazer sus necesidades de noche: si alli, les aparecia vna muger pequeña enana, que la llamauan cujtlapanton, o por otro nombre centlapachton.
# references = A&D/179:2
1   No  no  ADV _       4   advmod  4:advmod    Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=1|Norm=No|Gloss=también|Analysed=Yes
2   yoan    huan    NOUN    _   NounType=Relat|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|State=Pos   4   obl 4:obl   Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=1|Norm=ihuan|Gloss=con|Analysed=Yes
3   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       4   punct   4:punct Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=1|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
4   netetzaujloia   tetzahuia   VERB    _   _   0   root    0:root  Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=1|Norm=netetzahuiloya
5   moteittitiaia   ittitia VERB    _   Animacy[iobj]=Anim|Aspect=Imp|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[iobj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Reflexive[obj]=Yes|Subcat=Ditr|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin   4   csubj   4:csubj Orig=mo¶·teittitiaia|Folio=12v,12v|Paragraph=4,4|Line=1,2|Norm=moteittitiaya|Analysed=Yes
6   :   :   PUNCT   _       8   punct   8:punct Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=2|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
7   in  in  SCONJ   _   _   8   mark    8:mark  Orig=injtoca|Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=2|Norm=in
8   jtoca   toca    NOUN    _   _   5   acl 5:acl   Orig=injtoca|Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=2|Norm=itoca|Gloss=su.nombre
9   cujtlapanton    cuitlapantli    NOUN    _   NounDeriv=Dim   8   nmod    8:nmod  Orig=cujtla·panton|Folio=12v,12v|Paragraph=4,4|Line=2,2|Norm=cuitlapanton|Analysed=Yes
10  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       12  punct   12:punct    Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=2|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
11  anoço   anozo   ADV _       12  cc  12:cc   Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=3|Norm=anozo|Analysed=Yes
12  cintanaton  cintanaton  NOUN    _   State=Abs   9   conj    9:conj  Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=3|Norm=cintanaton|Analysed=Yes
13  :   :   PUNCT   _       14  punct   14:punct    Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=3|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
14  mjtoa   ihtoa   VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Reflexive[obj]=Yes|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    4   parataxis   4:parataxis Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=3|Norm=mihtoa|Analysed=Yes
15  in  in  SCONJ   _   _   16  mark    16:mark Orig=inacolho¶·acan|Folio=12v,12v|Paragraph=4,4|Line=3,4|Norm=in
16  acolhoacan  Acolhuacan  PROPN   _       14  parataxis   14:parataxis    Orig=inacolho¶·acan|Folio=12v,12v|Paragraph=4,4|Line=3,4|Norm=Acolhuacan|Analysed=Yes
17  centlapachton   centlapachton   NOUN    _   State=Abs   16  orphan  16:orphan   Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=4|Norm=centlapachton|Analysed=Yes
18  :   :   PUNCT   _       20  punct   20:punct    Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=4|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
19  iuh iuh ADV _       20  advmod  20:advmod   Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=4|Norm=iuh|AmbigNorm=True|Override=False|Gloss=así|Analysed=Yes
20  tocaiotilo  tocayotia   VERB    _   _   4   parataxis   4:parataxis Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=4|Norm=tocayotilo|Ambiguous=Yes|Analysed=Yes
21  .   .   PUNCT   _       4   punct   4:punct Folio=12v|Paragraph=4|Line=4|Norm=.|Analysed=Yes
ftyers commented 10 months ago

López Austin has:

Y también se tenía por augurio si aparecía la llamada "espaldilla" "cestillo de mazorcas". En Acolhuacan se llama "la enteramente aplastada". Así era llamada.


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

Is anozo a CONJ here?

I am in favor of anozo being cconj

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

What is the relation between netetzaujloia and moteittitiaia, is it csubj, if so, why no in?

Yeah it is weird with no in. We could say, because of no subordinator there is parataxis? I don't think we've assigned csubj to anything yet without in.

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

What is going on with mihtoa in Acolhuacan centlapachton?

I don't know how to analyze this, specifically the in before Acolhuacan. One maybe weird option could be "It is said (that) in Acolhuacan, centlapachton is how it is named."

ftyers commented 8 months ago

What is going on with mihtoa in Acolhuacan centlapachton?

I don't know how to analyze this, specifically the in before Acolhuacan. One maybe weird option could be "It is said (that) in Acolhuacan, centlapachton is how it is named."

Like this?


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

Yeah that looks good

ftyers commented 8 months ago

Merged in 2a3aff3.