ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 053 #30

Closed ftyers closed 7 months ago

ftyers commented 8 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:53
# text = Auh in jquac itto, netlacmauhtilo: necujtiuecho, cecepoca, cuecueioca, in tenacaio, ticecepoca, ticuecueioca, tiquacecepoca, titocujtivetzi: tetequjpachoa, teiollitlacoa.
# text[norm] = Auh in ihcuac itto, netlacmauhtilo: necuitihuecho, cecepoca, cuecueyoca, in tenacayo, ticecepoca, ticuecueyoca, ticuacecepoca, titocuitihuetzi: tetequipachoa, teyollitlacoa.
# text[orig] = A·uh·inj·quac·itto·,·netlacmauh¶tilo·:·necujtiuecho·,·cecepoca·,·cuecue¶ioca·,·intenacaio·,·ticecepoca·,·ticuecue¶ioca·,·tiquacecepoca·,·titocujtivetzi·:·tetequjpachoa·,·teiollitlacoa·.
# text[osp] = Y por esto, ordinariamente los que encontrauan con este animalejo, les temlauan las carnes de mjedo, y se entremecian, y se les espeluzauan los cabellos, algunos se ponjan jertos, o palmados: por tener entendido, que algun mal les auja de acontecer.
# references = A&D/170:4
# tagged = 100.00%
# analysed = 100.00%
1   Auh auh CCONJ   _   _   6   _   _   Orig=A·uh|Folio=8r,8r|Paragraph=3,3|Line=12,12|Norm=Auh|Gloss=y
2   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   4   _   _   Orig=inj·quac|Folio=8r,8r|Paragraph=3,3|Line=12,12|Norm=in
3   jquac   ihcuac  ADV _   _   4   _   _   Orig=inj·quac|Folio=8r,8r|Paragraph=3,3|Line=12,12|Norm=ihcuac|Gloss=en.el.momento
4   itto    itta    VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Pass    6   _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=12|Norm=itto|Analysed=Yes
5   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       6   punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=12|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
6   netlacmauhtilo  tlacmauhtia VERB    _   _   0   root    _   Orig=netlacmauh¶·tilo|Folio=8r,8r|Paragraph=3,3|Line=12,13|Norm=netlacmauhtilo
7   :   :   PUNCT   _       8   punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
8   necujtiuecho    cuitihuetzi VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Reflex[iobj]=Yes|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Pass6_ _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=necuitihuecho|Analysed=Yes
9   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       10  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
10  cecepoca    cecepoca    VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   8   _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=cecepoca|Analysed=Yes
11  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       12  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=13|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
12  cuecueioca  cuecueyoca  VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   8   _   _   Orig=cuecue¶·ioca|Folio=8r,8r|Paragraph=3,3|Line=13,14|Norm=cuecueyoca|Analysed=Yes
13  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       15  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
14  in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   15  _   _   Orig=intenacaio|Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=in
15  tenacaio    nacatl  NOUN    _   _   12  _   _   Orig=intenacaio|Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=tenacayo|Gloss=carne.de.alguien
16  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       17  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
17  ticecepoca  cecepoca    VERB    _   _   6   _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=ticecepoca
18  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       19  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=14|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
19  ticuecueioca    cuecueyoca  VERB    _   _   17  _   _   Orig=ticuecue¶·ioca|Folio=8r,8r|Paragraph=3,3|Line=14,15|Norm=ticuecueyoca|Ambiguous=Yes|Analysed=Yes
20  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       21  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
21  tiquacecepoca   cuacecepoca VERB    _   _   17  _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=ticuacecepoca
22  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       23  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
23  titocujtivetzi  cuitihuetzi VERB    _   _   17  _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=titocuitihuetzi|Aux=huetzi
24  :   :   PUNCT   _       25  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=15|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
25  tetequjpachoa   tequipachoa VERB    _   Animacy[obj]=Anim|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   17  _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=16|Norm=tetequipachoa|Analysed=Yes
26  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       27  punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=16|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
27  teiollitlacoa   yollitlacoa VERB    _   Animacy[obj]=Anim|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   25  _   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=16|Norm=teyollitlacoa|Incorp[obj]=yolli|Analysed=Yes
28  .   .   PUNCT   _       6   punct   _   Folio=8r|Paragraph=3|Line=16|Norm=.|Analysed=Yes
ftyers commented 8 months ago

López Austin has:

Y cuando es vista se estremece el cuerpo, tiembla la gente; tirita, bulle el cuerpo de la gente; nos estremecemos, nos agitamos, nos espeluznamos; nos espantamos; aflige mucho a las personas, les perturba el corazón.

ftyers commented 7 months ago

Revised suggestion:


Kind of terrible because we can't do nested parataxis.

In this case we make all the later sentences dependents of the first one, to maximize similarity to the analysis used for conjunction.


Lguyogiro commented 7 months ago

Looks horrible but also correct. :+1: