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Book 05: Sentence 079 #31

Open ftyers opened 10 months ago

ftyers commented 10 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:79
# text = Ic matlactli oce capitulo, vncan moteneoa in tetzaujtl: injc motetzaujaia: in jquac iooaltica, qujmjttaia tlacaujaque, qujnameti.
# text[norm] = Ic matlactli oce capítulo, oncan motenehua in tetzahuitl: inic motetzahuiaya: in ihcuac yohualtica, quimittaya tlacahuiyaque, quinametli.
# text[orig] = Ic·matlactli·oce·capitulo·,·vncan¶moteneoa·intetzaujtl·:·injc·motetza¶ujaia·:·inj·quac·iooaltica·,·quj·mj·ttaia¶tlacaujaque·,·quj·nameti·.
# text[osp] = Capitulo onze, que trata del aguero: que tomauan: quando de noche vian estantiguas.
# references = A&D/176:1
# tagged = 100.00%
# analysed = 100.00%
1   Ic  ic  ADV _   _   2   _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=1|Norm=Ic
2   matlactli   matlactli   NUM _       4   _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=1|Norm=matlactli|Gloss=diez|Analysed=Yes
3   oce ce  NUM _   _   2   _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=1|Norm=oce|Gloss=y.uno
4   capitulo    capítulo    NOUN    _   State=Abs   7   _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=1|Norm=capítulo|Analysed=Yes
5   ,   ,   PUNCT   _       7   punct   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=1|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
6   vncan   oncan   ADV _       7   _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=1|Norm=oncan|Gloss=aquí|Analysed=Yes
7   moteneoa    tenehua VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Reflex[obj]=Yes|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   0   root    _Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=2|Norm=motenehua|AmbigNorm=True|Override=False|Analysed=Yes
8   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   9   _   _   Orig=intetzaujtl|Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=2|Norm=in
9   tetzaujtl   tetzahuitl  NOUN    _   State=Abs   7   _   _   Orig=intetzaujtl|Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=2|Norm=tetzahuitl|Analysed=Yes
10  :   :   PUNCT   _       12  punct   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=2|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
11  injc    inic    SCONJ   _   _   12  _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=2|Norm=inic
12  motetzaujaia    tetzahuia   VERB    _   _   9   _   _   Orig=motetza¶·ujaia|Folio=10v,10v|Paragraph=5,5|Line=2,3|Norm=motetzahuiaya|Ambiguous=Yes|Analysed=Yes|Guessed=Yes
13  :   :   PUNCT   _       18  punct   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=3|Norm=:|Analysed=Yes
14  in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   18  _   _   Orig=inj·quac|Folio=10v,10v|Paragraph=5,5|Line=3,3|Norm=in
15  jquac   ihcuac  ADV _   _   18  _   _   Orig=inj·quac|Folio=10v,10v|Paragraph=5,5|Line=3,3|Norm=ihcuac|Gloss=en.el.momento
16  iooaltica   yohualtica  ADV _       18  _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=3|Norm=yohualtica|Temporal=Yes|Analysed=Yes
17  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       18  punct   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=3|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
18  qujmjttaia  itta    VERB    _   Aspect=Imp|Number[obj]=Plur|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12  _   _   Orig=quj·mj·ttaia¶|Folio=10v,10v,10v|Paragraph=5,5,5|Line=3,3,3|Norm=quimittaya|Analysed=Yes
19  tlacaujaque tlacahuiyac NOUN    _   Number=Plur 18  _   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=4|Norm=tlacahuiyaque|Split=tlaca·huiyac|Analysed=Yes
20  ,   ,   PUNCT   _       21  punct   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=4|Norm=,|Analysed=Yes
21  qujnameti   quinametli  NOUN    _   State=Abs   19  _   _   Orig=quj·nameti|Folio=10v,10v|Paragraph=5,5|Line=4,4|Norm=quinametli|Gloss=gigante|Analysed=Yes
22  .   .   PUNCT   _       7   punct   _   Folio=10v|Paragraph=5|Line=4|Norm=.|Analysed=Yes
ftyers commented 10 months ago

López Austin:

Capítulo décimo primero, donde se habla del augurio, de lo que se tenía por agüero cuando en la noche veían hombres elevados, gi­gantes.

ftyers commented 8 months ago

Suggestion: imatge


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

Should in tetzahuitl be nsubj or csubj?

csubj I think to stay consistent (e.g. #12 ).

Should yohualtica be NOUN or ADV ?


Relations for motetzahuia and quimittaya ?

advcl I think makes sense here, given ihcuac.

ftyers commented 8 months ago

So like this?


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

So I guess we have actually been using csubj for the rel going to quimittaya right?

ftyers commented 7 months ago


Lguyogiro commented 7 months ago

This one looks different that the previous candidate, namely, I think we had said that tetzahuitl would be csubj not nsubj, since we usually have been analyzing that as a clause (in other sentences, sometimes there is also a catca).

Otherwise, this LGTM

ftyers commented 7 months ago

Provisionally: imatge

But do we want DET or SCONJ for the in that introduces tetzahuitl?