ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 048 #38

Open ftyers opened 10 months ago

ftyers commented 10 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:48
# text = Auh in jquac, qujcaquja tzatzi: ioan in mozticacalatza njman conaoa, conjluja in toqujch: ma xitlamattiuh nocne, tixtecocoiocpul: monan ticieco.
# text[norm] = Auh in ihcuac, quicaquiya tzatzi: ihuan in mozticacalatza niman conahua, conilhuia in toquich: ma xitlamattiuh nocne, tixtecocoyocpol: monan ticyeco.
# text[orig] = A·uh·inj·quac·,·qujcaquja·tzatzi·:·ioan¶in·mozticacalatza·njman·conaoa·,·conjluja·in·toqujch·:·maxitlamattiuh¶nocne·,·tixtecocoiocpul·:·monan·tic¶ieco·.
# text[osp] = Y si iuntamente conel charrear, le oyan que escarauaua con las uñas: el que le oya: si era hombre, luego le dezia: esta quedo vellaco, oxi hondido: que heziste adulterio a tu padre.
# text[spa] = Y cuando escuchaban que ulalaba y que cantaba, luego le dijeron los varones: Vete pues, tienes muy hundidos los ojos, te acostaste con tu madre.
# references = A&D/169:5
# tagged = 100.00%
# lemmatised = 100.00%
# analysed = 100.00%
# heads = 92.31%
# relations = 57.69%
1   Auh auh CCONJ   _   _   12  cc  _   _
2   in  in  SCONJ   _   _   5   mark    _   _
3   jquac   ihcuac  ADV _   _   5   advmod  _   _
4   ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   5   punct   _   _
5   qujcaquja   caqui   VERB    _   Aspect=Imp|Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 12  advcl   _   _
6   tzatzi  tzatzi  VERB    _   _   5   _   _   _
7   :   :   PUNCT   _   _   8   punct   _   _
8   ioan    huan    NOUN    _   NounType=Relat|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|State=Pos   6   _   _   _
9   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   10  _   _   _
10  mozticacalatza  mozticacalatza  VERB    _   Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   8   _   _   _
11  njman   niman   ADV _   _   12  advmod  _   _
12  conaoa  ahua    VERB    _   Movement=And|Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin0root  0   root    _   _
13  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   14  punct   _   _
14  conjluja    ilhuia  VERB    _   _   12  conj    _   _
15  in  in  DET _   _   16  det _   _
16  toqujch oquichtli   NOUN    _   Number[psor]=Plur|Person[psor]=1|State=Pos  14  nsubj   _   _
17  :   :   PUNCT   _   _   19  punct   _   _
18  ma  ma  AUX _   _   19  aux _   _
19  xitlamattiuh    tlamati VERB    _   Directional=And|Mood=Imp|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=2|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   14  parataxis:speech    _   _
20  nocne   nocne   X   _   _   19  _   _   _
21  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   22  punct   _   _
22  tixtecocoiocpul ixtecocoyoctli  NOUN    _   Aspect=Prior|Number[psor]=Plur|Person[psor]=1|State=Pos 14  parataxis:speech    _   _
23  :   :   PUNCT   _   _   25  punct   _   _
24  monan   nan NOUN    _   _   25  obj _   _
25  ticieco yecoa   VERB    _   Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=2|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin 14  parataxis:spech _   _
26  .   .   PUNCT   _   _   12  punct   _   _
ftyers commented 10 months ago

López Austin:

Y cuando oían el canto, y que hacía ruido con las uñas, entonces le reñían, le decían los varones: "Quédate quieto, bellaco, ojihundi­ducho, tú, el que fornicas con tu madre."

ftyers commented 8 months ago

Updated version: imatge


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

What POS is mozticacalatza?

VERB , and it has instrument incorporation: mo-izti(nail/talon)-cacalatza

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

as for the subtree...here's my analysis of it, although I recognize the apparent weirdness of not having an in to introduce the clausal complement. Also note that I'm using mark for ihcuac here (which based on discussions elsewhere I think makes sense here).


ftyers commented 8 months ago

What's the motivation for having ihcuac as ADV/mark as opposed to just ADV/advmod, as there is already in as mark there.

The obl is a bit weird, would it be something like cuando le escuchaban que grita con lo que hace ruído con las uñas ?

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

ok yeah nvm, adv works.

cuando le escuchaban que grita con lo que hace ruído con las uñas

Yes, something like this. Or. alternatively we could have a conj analysis with an omitted CCONJ something like: imagen

but I don't like this since there is a subordinator between ihuan and mosticacalatza

ftyers commented 7 months ago

Or maybe the in is a PRON? "... and with that makes a sound with its nails"