ftyers / UD_Classical_Nahuatl-FloCo

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Book 05: Sentence 049 #41

Closed ftyers closed 8 months ago

ftyers commented 9 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:49
# text = Auh in cihoa conjluja, injc caoa: ma xitlamatpolotiuh, cujlonpul: cuix oticcoionj in tzontli ic natlitiaz: ca iamo cuel in njiaz.
# text[norm] = Auh in cihua conilhuia, inic cahua: ma xitlamatpolotiuh, cuilonpol: cuix oticcoyoni in tzontli ic natlitiaz: ca yamo cuel in niyaz.
# text[orig] = A·uh·incihoa·conjluja·,·injc¶caoa·:·maxitlamatpolotiuh·,·cujlon¶pul·:·cuix·oticcoionj·in·tzontli·icnatli¶tiaz·:·caiamo·cuel·innjiaz·.
# text[osp] = Y si era muger la que oya, dezia le: vete day puto, as agujerado el cabello, con que tengo de beuer alla en el infierno: ante desto, no puedo yr.
# text[osp_norm] = Y si era mujer la que oía, decíale: vete de ahí puto, has agujerado el cabello, con que tengo de beber allá en el infierno: ante de esto, no puedo ir.
# references = A&D/169:5
# tagged = 100.00%
1   Auh auh CCONJ   _   _   4   cc  _   _
2   in  in  DET _   _   3   det _   _
3   cihoa   cihuatl NOUN    _   State=Abs   4   nsubj   _   _
4   conjluja    ilhuia  VERB    _   _   0   root    _   _
5   ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   7   punct   _   _
6   injc    inic    SCONJ   _   _   7   _   _   _
7   caoa    cahua   VERB    _   _   4   parataxis:speech    _   _
8   :   :   PUNCT   _   _   10  punct   _   _
9   ma  ma  ADV _   _   10  _   _   _
10  xitlamatpolotiuh    tlamatpoloa VERB    _   Directional=And|Mood=Imp|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=2|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin7_ 4   parataxis:speech    _   _
11  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   12  punct   _   _
12  cujlonpul   cuilonpol   NOUN    _   State=Abs   10  vocative    _   _
13  :   :   PUNCT   _   _   15  punct   _   _
14  cuix    cuix    ADV _   _   15  _   _   _
15  oticcoionj  coyonia VERB    _   Aspect=Prior|Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=2|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin    4   parataxis:speech    _   _
16  in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   17  _   _   _
17  tzontli tzontli NOUN    _   State=Abs   15  _   _   _
18  ic  ic  ADV _   _   19  _   _   _
19  natlitiaz   atlitia VERB    _   Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=1|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Fut|VerbForm=Fin 17  _   _   _
20  :   :   PUNCT   _   _   25  punct   _   _
21  ca  cah|ca  VERB    _   _   25  _   _   _
22  iamo    yamo    ADV _   _   25  _   _   _
23  cuel    cuel    ADV _   _   25  _   _   _
24  in  in  SCONJ   _   _   25  _   _   _
25  njiaz   ya  VERB    _   Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=1|Subcat=Intr|Tense=Fut|VerbForm=Fin 4   parataxis:speech    _   _
26  .   .   PUNCT   _   _   4   punct   _   _
ftyers commented 9 months ago

López Austin:

Y las mujeres le decían: "Quieto, putón. ¿Acaso perforaste el cabello con el que habré de beber? Porque aún no es tiempo de que me vaya."

ftyers commented 9 months ago


Lguyogiro commented 9 months ago

Is cuix an ADV or a PART. Andrews (p.40) puts it in the same category as ca.

In nhi, we tag the equivalent mox/max as ADV (I think we decided on a general avoidance of PART wherever possible. In azz, it is always tagged as SCONJ, which is probably because in that corpus it is only used with subordinate clauses, but we should check this out, as I suspect it behaves like in nhi, so could also be used in the matrix clause.

ftyers commented 9 months ago

I think that potentially it might be different in nci and in azz/nhi. But yes, I agree that this is something that we need to standardise on.

In terms of avoidance/not, I think if the distribution is different/specific/functional enough, and if it is treated like that in the grammars, then it isn't the worst thing in the world to use PART. But don't tell me-10-years-ago that :D

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

It appears that cuix has a similar distribution to max/mox and ox in azz, and is used witih both matrix and subordinated clauses. Looking at other languages in UD, I think PART is consistent, since this is how both question particles in Japanese and sentence-modality particles in Czech are treated https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/PART.html

I also now think this is how we should annotate the corresponding words in contemporary Nahuatl treebanks.

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

What is the structure of in tzontli ic natlitiaz ?

tzontli should be the obj of oticcoyonih right? and then I guess advcl(oticcoyonih, natlitiaz) and obl(natlitiaz, ic)?

45 ic should be NOUN and have obl relation.

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

What is the structure of ca yamo cuel in niyaz?

something like... imagen

ftyers commented 8 months ago

How about this?


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago


ftyers commented 8 months ago

Merged in 5814c38.