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Book 05: Sentence 050 #45

Closed ftyers closed 8 months ago

ftyers commented 9 months ago


# sent_id = Book_05_-_The_Omens.txt:50
# text = Injc iuh conaoa in, qujlmach iuhqujn ic onepatilo, ic queleltia, ic qujlochtia, ic qujiacatzacuilia, in jtenotzaliz: injc amo inpan neltiz, ic qujntzatzilia.
# text[norm] = Inic iuh conahua in, quilmach iuhquin ic onepatilo, ic queleltia, ic quilochtia, ic quiyacatzacuilia, in itenotzaliz: inic amo inpan neltiz, ic quintzatzilia.
# text[orig] = Injc·iuh¶conaoa·in·,·qujlmachiuhqujn·icone¶patilo·,·icqueleltia·,·ic·qujlochtia·,·ic¶qujiacatzacuilia·,·inj·tenotzaliz·:·injc¶amo·inpan·neltiz·,·icqujn·tzatzilia·.
# text[osp] = Dezian; que por esto le iniuriauan desta manera: para escaparse del mal aguero, que pronosticaua: y para no ser obligados a cumplir, su llamamjento.
# text[osp_norm] = Decían; que por esto le injuriaban de esta manera: para escaparse del mal agüero, que pronosticaba: y para no ser obligados a cumplir, su llamamiento.
# references = A&D/169:6
# tagged = 100.00%
# lemmatised = 100.00%
# analysed = 100.00%
# heads = 100.00%
# relations = 30.00%
1   Injc    inic    SCONJ   _   _   3   _   _   _
2   iuh iuh ADV _   _   3   _   _   _
3   conaoa  ahua    VERB    _   Movement=And|Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin   9   _   _   _
4   in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   9   _   _   _
5   ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   9   punct   _   _
6   qujlmach    quilmach    ADV _   _   9   _   _   _
7   iuhqujn iuhquin ADV _   _   9   _   _   _
8   ic  ic  ADV _   _   9   _   _   _
9   onepatilo   pati    VERB    _   _   0   root    _   _
10  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   12  punct   _   _
11  ic  ic  ADV _   _   12  _   _   _
12  queleltia   elleltia    VERB    _   Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    9   _   _   _
13  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   15  punct   _   _
14  ic  ic  ADV _   _   15  _   _   _
15  qujlochtia  ilochtia    VERB    _   Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    12  _   _   _
16  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   18  punct   _   _
17  ic  ic  ADV _   _   18  _   _   _
18  qujiacatzacuilia    yacatzacuilia   VERB    _   Number[obj]=Sing|Number[subj]=Plur,Sing|Person[obj]=3|Person[subj]=3|Subcat=Tran|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    12  _   _   _
19  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   21  punct   _   _
20  in  in  DET|SCONJ   _   _   21  _   _   _
21  jtenotzaliz tenotzaliztli   NOUN    _   Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|State=Pos  18  _   _   _
22  :   :   PUNCT   _   _   26  punct   _   _
23  injc    inic    SCONJ   _   _   26  _   _   _
24  amo amo ADV _   _   26  _   _   _
25  inpan   pan NOUN    _   NounType=Relat|Number[psor]=Plur|Person[psor]=3|State=Pos   26  _   _   _
26  neltiz  nelti   VERB    _   _   12  _   _   _
27  ,   ,   PUNCT   _   _   29  punct   _   _
28  ic  ic  ADV _   _   29  _   _   _
29  qujntzatzilia   tzatzilia   VERB    _   _   26  _   _   _
30  .   .   PUNCT   _   _   9   punct   _   _
ftyers commented 9 months ago

López Austin:

Así lo reprendían para que en esta forma se ahuyentara enseguida el augurio; así lo impedían, así devolvían, así atajaban su llamado; por esto no se realizaba en ellos lo que les cantaba.


ftyers commented 8 months ago

Update: imatge


Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

What is ic? It appears a lot...

Yeah....Andrews's discussion is on pages 450-453. He treats it as a reln that can only take 3rd-person singular possessor. imagen Given the wide range of metaphorical meanings it is a challenge to analyze it. Elsewhere we have treated it as an ADV I think (e.g. ordinal construction) and I don't hate that. I don't see ic taking any nominal morphology other than its i-. Also used with nouns of size/length/shape in measurement constructions ( in intlaxcal cemmolicpitl catca in ic yahualtic "their tortillas were an ell round")

So in this sent, if we say it is a reln, I think the nominal/clausal complements are omitted. The tree looks correct above with respect to in, but we should decide whether we like ADV or NOUN+NounType=Rel

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago

How do we deal with iuhquin ?

I think we said it should be ADJ (in #13 )? Also split into iuhqui n. I think the syntactic analysis is good in the most recent tree.

This is strange, but I have a feeling that in, before iuhquin is actually a demonstrative pronoun īn. So that part is "Así reprendían a ese" or something like that. Unfortunately we don't have the vowel length to help distinguish. The only sort-of evidence is that, if in is in fact a subordinator there, then we don't have a root. haha

ftyers commented 8 months ago

So in this sent, if we say it is a reln, I think the nominal/clausal complements are omitted. The tree looks correct above with respect to in, but we should decide whether we like ADV or NOUN+NounType=Rel

It could also be that some ins are omitted, because in a lot of cases it looks like a subordinator too...

This is strange, but I have a feeling that in, before iuhquin is actually a demonstrative pronoun īn. So that part is "Así reprendían a ese" or something like that. Unfortunately we don't have the vowel length to help distinguish. The only sort-of evidence is that, if in is in fact a subordinator there, then we don't have a root. haha

Yeah, that is a good point I was thinking that too,

ftyers commented 8 months ago

So like this? imatge

Lguyogiro commented 8 months ago


ftyers commented 8 months ago

Merged in f762d1b.