fu123456 / SHIQ

Project for CVPR21 paper: "A Multi-Task Network for Joint Specular Highlight Detection and Removal".
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if RPCA can remove highlight well,why we need JSHDR? #1

Closed zhuguangqiang closed 2 years ago

zhuguangqiang commented 2 years ago

in JSHDR paper, you use RPCA to generate the highlight-free image from highlight image as the removal ground truth, if the RPCA can remove highlight well,why we need a new mothod of JSHDR?

fu123456 commented 2 years ago

RPCA needs multiple input images of the same scene but with different illumination conditions, while our JSHDR only needs to a single RGB image.

zhuguangqiang commented 2 years ago

in your paper: "Finally, (d), (h), (f) and (i) in Figure 2 (i.e., input and its corresponding highlight-free,highlight as well as highlight mask images) are an example quadruples in our dataset."
is there mistake in above description? I think the quadruples should be h(highlight image)/e(hightlight-free image)/g(highlight intensity map)/i(hightlight mask), am I right? ![Uploading 1.jpg…]()

zhuguangqiang commented 2 years ago

attach the paper snapshot here: image

zhuguangqiang commented 2 years ago

and I think also some wrong in the Figure 5 aboout D branch, the introduction of D branch is "(3) D is estimated by feeding the concatenation of [F, M, S, I−MS] into a convolutional block consisting of three 3×3 convolutions." and the Figure 5 is below,I think the D concat should as the red arrow before the Convs: image

fu123456 commented 2 years ago

Hi, for your first question, actually "highlight image" refers to "highlight intensity image in our paper, and "input image" in our paper refers to "highlight image" as your said. I checked our paper again, and found that four components in a quadruples may be not unified for their names. There is such a name of "highlight image" which refers to "highlight component (intensity) image" in existing papers. So what you said is not wrong. Thanks.

fu123456 commented 2 years ago

For your second question about D branch, I think that the original structure in our main paper is not wrong, and what you said should also work actually (produce reasonable results). Please note that in Figure 5, "[F, M, S]" should refer to "[F, M, S, I-MS]". Why we write like this? The reason is due to space limit. Therefore, "[F, M, S]" can be considered as the shorthand of "[F, M, S, I-MS]". After all, there are the first three variables (F,M,S) to derive the fourth variable I-MS, where I is a known variable. Finally, In the processing of estimating D, we use the idea of residual learning which has been widely used in deraining, denoising and so on.

zhuguangqiang commented 2 years ago

so about the D branch, out output of D is: output_D = I - Convs(Concat[F,M,S,I-MS]), am I right?

zhuguangqiang commented 2 years ago

and finally for getting the predicted hightlight-free image,we have 2 choices: 1、just use the D branch output 2、use the M branch and S branch and doing " I - M*S ". which choice we should take?

fu123456 commented 2 years ago

Your first question: yes. The second question: the purpose is that we want to design a multi-task network for joint specular highlight detection and removal, and argue that the accurate detection result is able to benefit to the specular highlight removal. Our multi-task network can simultaneously constrain M, S, and D, and thus estimate them.

wcyjerry commented 2 years ago

@zhuguangqiang hey, I want to know how u preprocess the data, like how to normilize it, because if scale I to between (-1,1), and S to (0,1), then in the end, output_D = I - Convs(Concat[F, M, S, I-MS]) , I - MS will be like in (-2, 1), it seems doesnt make any sense. Should I concern about it?