fuatakgun / eufy_security

Home Assistant integration to manage Eufy Security devices as cameras, home base stations, doorbells, motion and contact sensors.
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enable motionDetectionTypePet switch (and other) for Eufycam3 #754

Closed bdormael closed 9 months ago

bdormael commented 1 year ago

For my EufyCam3 (with Homebase 3) I have the possibility to enable/disable human, pet & vehicle detection separately.

Your plugin in Home Assistant apparently only has motion detection on or off.

Is it possible to enable these switches as well ?

In the debug mode I can see that these switches are called: motionDetectionTypePet motionDetectionTypeVehicle motionDetectionTypeHuman motionDetectionTypeHumanRecognition motionDetectionTypeAllOtherMotions

bdormael commented 10 months ago

Since this is closed, does it mean it will not be implemented ? (because I cannot see the option yet for the Eufycam 3 cams). It is possible via the API from Bropat, but then I need to do this via Node-Red, I prefer there is a simple switch (or dropdown selection) from Home Assistant

bdormael commented 9 months ago


fuatakgun commented 9 months ago

It should be working here, right? image

bdormael commented 9 months ago

This is an option for solocams, eufycam2 and indoor cams, but not for Eufycam3 with Homebase 3. The only way I can do this now is by creating a script that calls the service but there is no dropdown in the entities.

fuatakgun commented 9 months ago

understood, will create the switches then

fuatakgun commented 9 months ago

btw, the screenshot above is coming from indoor PTZ camera.

fuatakgun commented 9 months ago

fixed it for S100 camera, should be available for all in next release. image

bdormael commented 9 months ago

thx, don't have s100, hope it will be available also for Eufycam3 :-)

just to be sure, you mapped these to : motionDetection motionDetectionSensitivity motionDetectionTypeHuman motionDetectionTypeHumanRecognition motionDetectionTypePet motionDetectionTypeVehicle motionDetectionTypeAllOtherMotions


This is one of the scripts I use to switch this on/off: service: eufy_security.send_message data: message: messageId: message_id_do_not_add_value_here command: device.set_property serialNumber: T8160P212240177D name: motionDetectionTypeHuman value: "false"

fuatakgun commented 9 months ago

try with 7.6.0

bdormael commented 9 months ago

I tried 7.6.0 for my Eufycam3 cameras. It's looking good, thx for that :-)

I tried all combinations and found out some possible remaining issues:

Maybe this is related to the ws security add-on because via my scripts I have similar issues.

fuatakgun commented 9 months ago

Yes please raise it to add-on repository.