fudan-zvg / PGC-3D

[ICLR 2024] Enhancing High-Resolution 3D Generation through Pixel-wise Gradient Clipping
Apache License 2.0
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Hi ,the result is wrong #5

Open zhoushiwei opened 6 months ago

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

I just run python main.py -O0 -O2 -O4 --pbr --guidance "controlnet" --text "A panda is dressed in armor, holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, realistic" --workspace panda/pbr --gpus "0" --mesh_path "data/panda_spear_shield.obj"

but the result is this


mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

Hi, I just check this command and find it works well on my machine. Please check following information. Result: fine_df_ep0003_0001_rgb Parameters: option Checkpoint: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KKmTsEx-AAF_xVVhsxro16Vs-9ERpylM/view?usp=drive_link

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zstd 1.5.5 hc292b87_0

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

截屏2024-05-10 17 45 35 It looks like the configuration is the same as yours, I didn't change anything in my code, the only thing that's different is that my sd models are downloaded locally and then loaded because of network problems, I don't know what's wrong.

mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

OK I know what happened. There may be some bug with SDXL-1.0. I only test SDXL-0.9 because SDXL-1.0 was not available around 2023/8. Additionally, you can use "export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com" to download models from huggingface without VPN.

mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

OK I know what happened. There may be some bug with SDXL-1.0. I only test SDXL-0.9 because SDXL-1.0 was not available around 2023/8. Additionally, you can use "export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com" to download models from huggingface without VPN.

While your result is just like a blue mask, my result is not textureless. I am not sure changing model can solve your problem.

mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

OK I know what happened. There may be some bug with SDXL-1.0. I only test SDXL-0.9 because SDXL-1.0 was not available around 2023/8. Additionally, you can use "export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com" to download models from huggingface without VPN.

SDXL-1.0 needs at least 7 epochs (2800 steps) to get a resonable texture: panda

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

OK I know what happened. There may be some bug with SDXL-1.0. I only test SDXL-0.9 because SDXL-1.0 was not available around 2023/8. Additionally, you can use "export HF_ENDPOINT=https://hf-mirror.com" to download models from huggingface without VPN.

SDXL-1.0 needs at least 7 epochs (2800 steps) to get a resonable texture: panda

Thanks for the reply, I'll try it out later, one question , why does the tone of these results look a bit strange to you (including the results in the paper) You mean it's ok to use sdxl 1.0, just need to raise the epochs to more than 7, right?

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

Hi,I'm trying to generate a texture with the guidance of dodging multiple images all the time, I see that the provided sample panda generates quite good results, but I use my own images and mesh to generate very poor results, is there any point to pay attention to here?

mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

Hi,I'm trying to generate a texture with the guidance of dodging multiple images all the time, I see that the provided sample panda generates quite good results, but I use my own images and mesh to generate very poor results, is there any point to pay attention to here?

I'm not quite sure what 'guidance of dodging multiple images' refer to. In my experiments, the combination of reference image and SDXL SDS did not work well due to conflict gradients around the boundary of reference image. SD1.5 with reference image is just a implemented function which I did not study much. For failure of solely SDXL SDS, prompt and background have a large influence. For the text prompt, the success rate of all my used prompts is about 60-70% (same quality as the paper and suppl). For the background image, note that the background image used now is 'data/background.png'. I found that solid white background hurts the generation quality, so I have tried many images. I think a suitable background will help a lot.

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

Hi,I'm trying to generate a texture with the guidance of dodging multiple images all the time, I see that the provided sample panda generates quite good results, but I use my own images and mesh to generate very poor results, is there any point to pay attention to here?

I'm not quite sure what 'guidance of dodging multiple images' refer to. In my experiments, the combination of reference image and SDXL SDS did not work well due to conflict gradients around the boundary of reference image. SD1.5 with reference image is just a implemented function which I did not study much. For failure of solely SDXL SDS, prompt and background have a large influence. For the text prompt, the success rate of all my used prompts is about 60-70% (same quality as the paper and suppl). For the background image, note that the background image used now is 'data/background.png'. I found that solid white background hurts the generation quality, so I have tried many images. I think a suitable background will help a lot.

en ,I use the SD1.5 with reference image now,I mean the results run with your panda samples are ok, but my results with my own samples are very poor, is there a trick to it? There is another problem now it seems that it doesn't support multi-image input, I changed your code to make it support multiple images at the same time but it seems to be buggy

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

Regarding the issue with background images, I think it would be better to first separate the reference image from the background, then use a uniform background image for all. This way, the effect be better?

zhoushiwei commented 6 months ago

toy_terrier.obj.txt front fine_df_ep0010_0001_rgb it seems the result is bad

mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

Maybe misalignment exists between reference image and reference camera (the index-0 data? I forget, check nerf/provider.py), which may require some manual efforts. The strange color can be attributed to many factors. model, prompt, even focal range. In fact, I haven't known the effect of shuffle control so far...

mdarhdarz commented 6 months ago

Maybe misalignment exists between reference image and reference camera (the index-0 data? I forget, check nerf/provider.py), which may require some manual efforts. The strange color can be attributed to many factors. model, prompt, even focal range. In fact, I haven't known the effect of shuffle control so far...

Since there is a L2 loss between reference image and reference camera, there must be some errors. I also meet strange colors many times, if you don't mind some minor perturbations to the mesh,you can allow mesh changing with a very small learning rate, as shown in the middle of Figure 4 in the paper.

zhoushiwei commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reply. the reference image and reference camera Alignment is basically impossible with the reality of the task。I'm mainly trying to go through an image right to make a guide that generates texture maps related to the image. I don't know if you have any better strategies for improvement

mdarhdarz commented 5 months ago

I once considered this, but it was put on one side due to other projects. Using stylization controlnet is my first try. I just check meshy and find they also do not support this function. Good luck.

zhoushiwei commented 5 months ago

TextureDreamer: Image-guided Texture Synthesis through Geometry-aware Diffusion have u read this ,Can the methods in this section be incorporated into your project?

zhoushiwei commented 5 months ago

I once considered this, but it was put on one side due to other projects. Using stylization controlnet is my first try. I just check meshy and find they also do not support this function. Good luck.

Yes, currently there are basically no similar products on the market. I tried aligning the reference images absolutely, and it worked well for transferring the textures. Do you think this approach could be applied to 3D facial reconstruction?