fuel / auth

Fuel PHP Framework - Fuel v1.x Authentication package
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Ormgroup::member() returns false even if the user in desired group #76

Closed d3sh closed 10 years ago

d3sh commented 10 years ago

I am using Ormauth driver and after updating FuelPHP to version 1.7 I have a problem with checking if user is member of SuperAdmin group.

I have found out that the Ormgroup::member() method returns FALSE (but should return TRUE in my case) when in config I have output filter set to htmlentities:

'output_filter'  => array('Security::htmlentities'),

_sanitization_enabled field has different values in $group and $groups

// return the result
return in_array(array($this->id, $group), $groups);

When I disable output filter than everything is OK

'output_filter'  => array(),