fuel / core

Fuel PHP Framework - The core of the Fuel v1 framework
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is_resource check doesn't seem to work in PHP 8.1+ on FTP connections #2209

Closed glOOmyART closed 4 months ago

glOOmyART commented 4 months ago

i'm trying to move my app to PHP 8.2/8.3 so i use the 1.9 dev version. i use FTP extensively in one of the modules. when i switched from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2 i noticed that FTP connections don't work anymore. when i set debug to true it always threw the "Invalid Connection" exception. i quickly tested with standard php and it connected just fine and i could list files etc. i searched around the web an came accross this -> https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/51057 when i changed line 167 in core/classes/ftp.php from

if ( ! is_resource($this->_conn_id))


if ( ! $this->_conn_id)

the ftp connection worked again as it did before

WanWizard commented 4 months ago

Thanks for letting me know, it's been a while since I've used FTP.

I'll put it on the todo list, the problem is probably that PHP is moving away from generic resources and to distinct classes.

glOOmyART commented 4 months ago

yay, the first bug report that is actually a bug and not me not knowing how to program :)

while you're at it, i also got a deprecation warning for dynamic variable assignment in the same class for the $this->_ssl_mode variable which is not declared in the class in PHP 9 this will result in an exception

the devs seem very determined to harden the language

WanWizard commented 4 months ago

Which is a good thing.

I've already bumped into that deprecation message, but don't seem to be able to get your original exception, so far I have no issues...