fuel / docs

Fuel PHP Framework - Fuel v1.x documentation
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Update installation/download.html for 1.7.2 #671

Closed kenjis closed 9 years ago

sdrdis commented 9 years ago

Hi, is this normal that it doesn't appear on the official website ?


WanWizard commented 9 years ago

What do you mean? Ah, the fix above?

It isn't there because 1.7.3. should been been released by now. Something a bit delayed due to health reasons, but expect it in the next few days (providing no last-minute show-stoppers pop up).

kenjis commented 9 years ago

It is not good, but it is normal to FuelPHP, because release manager forgot updating the link before releasing 1.7.2, and it seems the docs on the site are never updated after it.

If @WanWizard will forget updating the link to 1.7.3, before releasing 1.7.3. It will be out of dated for a long time.

I hope he add the task to his todo list.

WanWizard commented 9 years ago

One of the big questions on the table is still: what exactly should be the contents of the zip? These days, Fuel heavily depends on Composer. Is the zip meant to be a working environment, with all composer dependencies present, but no composer.json and no .git folders? Or do we expect people to run composer locally after installing the zip (in which case the fuel/fuel zip will do fine)?

kenjis commented 9 years ago

I think Zip file should include all composer dependencies present, and composer.json and no .git folders. If there is no composer.json, users can't add easily composer dependency which they want. If there is no all composer dependencies Fuel requires, Zip would not work after unzipping it.

sdrdis commented 9 years ago

I think it should include all dependencies already installed with the composer.json file (as it currently is). .git folders are not necessary. That way, Zip files can be used by people who are not familiar with composer or git, and just want things to work.

kenjis commented 9 years ago

@sdrdis Exactly.

WanWizard commented 9 years ago

Thought so, just checking. ;-) I'll try to sort it out a.s.a.p.

WanWizard commented 9 years ago

1.7.2. zip on the website is updated.

sdrdis commented 9 years ago

Great :), thank you very much.

kenjis commented 9 years ago

Thank you!