fuel / orm

Fuel PHP Framework - Fuel v1.x ORM
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"find" method throws Fatal Error #375

Closed nickautomatic closed 9 years ago

nickautomatic commented 9 years ago

On the 1.8/develop branch, calling find('all') (and other similar find methods) throws a Fatal Error ("Cannot access protected property Orm\Query::$alias") from commit 122b49ba24e97 onwards.

This happens on, eg. the default "index" method on a scaffolded controller.

I'm using PHP 5.3.27 / Apache 2.2.26.

WanWizard commented 9 years ago

I can not reproduce this, find('all') works fine here.

Using the current 1.8/develop, PHP 5.6.7.

emlynwest commented 9 years ago

I can't reproduce this either. I would imagine that others would have reported this problem if it where an actual bug, seeing that it's dealing with Model::find()

WanWizard commented 9 years ago

Please double check if both your Fuel/Core and all core packages (like ORM) are either all on 1.7.2 or on 1.8/develop, and not a mix?

And if on 1.8/develop, make sure it's up to date. I can remember this error message, but it was fixed very soon, I think in the commits of March 4th.