fuel / orm

Fuel PHP Framework - Fuel v1.x ORM
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help pls count relation #430

Closed hotlabs closed 4 years ago

hotlabs commented 4 years ago

im have model - Model_Category and relation $_many_many = array('posts')

how can i get lists categoryes and get count relation like: category (100posts) category2 (300posts) category3 (600posts)

$cats= Model_Category::query()->get(); foreach($cats as $cat){ echo $cat->name . ' ' . count($cat->posts); } -> this method not good im need only count - and not full posts lists because there are a lot of posts

WanWizard commented 4 years ago

The ORM is not a query builder, so don't use it as such. Instead, use the query builder, DB, to construct the query.

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