fuel9 / DisplayMonkey

Display Monkey digital signage solution
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Server 2016 #103

Open JimPowersDFL opened 5 years ago

JimPowersDFL commented 5 years ago


I noticed on the installation instructions that Server 2016 has known display issues. We have been testing on 2012R2 and it works great so we are rolling into production with that. Our IT services company has asked me how long it will be before we can upgrade the server version. I explained this is open source so it may be awhile but they want a closer, more definitive answer, if possible. Is there an estimated date or is it just on the road map for now?

michaelmalmgren commented 5 years ago

Hi Jim,

We are at this point not sure why there is an issue with DM on Windows 2016 all we have received are multiple accounts of it not working. We obviously would like to get to the bottom this and would appreciate if you would be able to help us out by giving an installation on 2k16 a go. We would assist you in any way we can to get it going.


shieldsit commented 5 years ago

Any update or progress with Server 2016?

JimPowersDFL commented 5 years ago

Since we are running in production now, I can't necessarily replace what I have with a new box. I did see documentation for adding addition presentation boxes. My question is, if I add a 2016 presentation only box for testing purposes, does that, in any way, affect my existing installation? If not, I'll go ahead and get that spun up and start testing.

michaelmalmgren commented 5 years ago

Jim, if you mean a Win 2016 computer that is simply connected through a browser to DM to show presentations then no it will not have any effect on your existing installation.

JimPowersDFL commented 5 years ago

Ok, I'll work with my IT folks to spin up a 2016 box to see what happens. Anything particular I should watch for? Any specific troubleshooting steps you would like for me to follow?

brekkjen commented 4 years ago

Just installed on a 2016 box and so far I have not encountered any issues.

schudde commented 4 years ago

I do have Display Monkey running on a 2k16 Server as well and do not face any Issues. But i never run a previews version of Display Monkey so i also dont know what i may miss atm ;) So if there is anything anyone want me to test over her give me a shout