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How to do recurrent events ? #124

Open JulienPlanchetCoineo opened 5 years ago

JulienPlanchetCoineo commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have a question about frame scheduling. I know we can set a start date with hour and an end date with hour too. But how can we make this frame recurrent ? I mean, play it each day of week (monday to friday) from 2019/06/13 8:00AM to 2019/06/13 8:00PM and so on (2019/06/14 8:00AM to 2019/06/14 8:00PM).


psined1 commented 5 years ago

Hi, you can't have a frame execute on a set schedule. The time window you see in the frame properties is nothing more than a simple way to activate/retire a frame. The idea of the frames is that they scroll in the round-robin pattern in a given panel. So, if you have 3 frames in panel A, they will scroll repeatedly in the order which you can set. Have you had only one frame in, say, panel B, it would be the only frame shown at all times, as it would scroll itself over and over. Think of a panel hosting a slideshow with one or more pictures.

What you can do is create an external process of some kind (e.g. SQL agent job, or similar) to manipulate the valid thru window on a given frame directly in DM database. This might be not ideal and requires additional work, but you can make it work to your liking. Hope it helps.

JulienPlanchetCoineo commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your fast answer, awesome. What do you mean about SQL agent job ?

psined1 commented 5 years ago

SQL agent job is a process hosted by SQL Server Agent. It is primarily used by database administrators. You can read more here. This is just one of possible alternatives.

JulienPlanchetCoineo commented 5 years ago

Thanks :) Do you know where is the part of the code in Presentation subproject that handle the BeginsOn and EndsOn ? Is it in .js files ? Or directly in Controllers ?

psined1 commented 5 years ago

Hi, the expire frame functionality is found in database and server backend (both DMM and DMP). The client cares less, the task of serving the next frame is delegated to the server, which will fetch the next suitable frame to the client.