fuel9 / DisplayMonkey

Display Monkey digital signage solution
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Levels documentation and examples #140

Open schipmolder opened 5 years ago

schipmolder commented 5 years ago


Does anyone have a bit more information or documentation on how to use levels and locations properly? I'm struggling to get my head around how to set it up in a scenario where we have multiple different teams in different floors (some on the same floor) and different countries.

All suggestions or advise is much appreciated.

michaelmalmgren commented 5 years ago


This might help: Getting Started Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=WLAbDyuKIC8 Docs: http://www.displaymonkey.org/dm/documentation/organization/

Also, the SQL folder in the DM download you will find a script (demo_data.sql) that contains an example of an organization structure.