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Display Monkey digital signage solution
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Office 365 / Exchange Integration and Lobbyboard #146

Closed cedartinkerer closed 4 years ago

cedartinkerer commented 4 years ago


So far I really appreciate what you've done with DisplayMonkey. I'm thinking of extending the outlook module to include a layout for a lobby board for multiple conference rooms at once. I also desire to include the ability to use dates as some of our resources might be booked a day out but someone wants it for a week. Anyway, before I start considering the above I need to get the outlook module working first.

I'm using Office 365 (for businesses in a hybrid environment) and I can't figure out why the calendar is empty even though the actual calendar has items on it.

In my Exchange pane I have the email address of the main account that has delegation access to all other mailboxes. EWS Url is default and the EWS Version is Exchange 2007 SP1.

In the frame setup I have the mailbox to use listed as the same as the delegation account (I'd like to test with this account before trying its delegates) -- so I have example@domain.com in both the Exchange account section AND the mailbox section.

I wonder what I'm missing?

I appreciate the help.

EDIT: I confirmed that if I put in the wrong account password it gives me an error but if I put the correct one in it works. So it appears to be at the calendar binding option.

EDIT: Figured it out that it needed to use a delegated mailbox. Once I added a second mailbox it showed right up. And it does use dates on the display which I hadn't seen yet. Cool.