fuel9 / DisplayMonkey

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SSRS configuration question #181

Closed dan508 closed 4 years ago

dan508 commented 4 years ago

Hi all. like what I'm seeing so far, but after a little assistance if you don't mind! I've got a report on SQL. The URL for this report is: http:/<ServerNameRemoved.Domain.com/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fPresentations%2fMain+presentation%2fPercentageHitToday_

On the Management page, I've configured my SSRS server up. What should the 'Report Path' be though? I've read the documentation, and I've put the report path as '/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fPresentations%2fMain+presentation%2fPercentageHitToday_' however that hasn't worked. I just get a red circle with a question mark in it