fuel9 / DisplayMonkey

Display Monkey digital signage solution
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Can't import database in phpmyadmin #200

Open Codiaz opened 3 years ago

Codiaz commented 3 years ago

Currently installing this for my teacher so we can test it out however I'm not able to import the database for some reason and it just gives me this error:

1148 errors were found during the analysis.

Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 314) Unexpected character. (near "]" at position 318) Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 320) Unexpected character. (near "]" at position 339) Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 477) Unexpected character. (near "]" at position 481) Unexpected character. (near "[" at position 483) Unexpected character. (near "]" at position 502) etc etc etc

Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried searching on google but couldn't find a solution, unfortunately.

thanks in advance