fuel9 / DisplayMonkey

Display Monkey digital signage solution
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Open a hyperlink in different panel or seperate window in same Tab #219

Open RaytracedBerk opened 1 year ago

RaytracedBerk commented 1 year ago

Hello, i have a setup for PBI and Information slides. i have a smaller panel on the left side and a bigger one on the right. My idea was to use the left panel as some sort of menu, with hyperlinks which open documents or websites. My issue is that i want to open the hyperlinks as their own window WITHIN the same tab. Or open them in the bigger panel i created. To my knowledge i would only be able to do that with javascript. But afaik i cannot use javascript in the HTML category of the frames. So adding javascript possibilities would be nice. I would also appreciate a solution for this is someone has any, or can implement any.